forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Moxie group

Wait I have a real vent. So fairly sure I have adhd. At the very least I've got some focusing issues cause whatever is going on in my brain is not normal. But I do a lot of my best work at night. The house is quiet, I feel a little bit of pressure because I want to go to sleep and get enough sleep (pressure really helps me work) but not enough that it's debilitating. BUT. I have this fucking thing called restless legs. Its so fucking stupid and basically it mainly happens at night and only happens when I'm sitting down. Its just like this uncontrollable urge to move my legs. Like I feel like I will die if I don't move my legs. (I know it sounds fake. It's real. My mom and her dad both have it. Google it.) And it's okay if I go to bed but I literally can't work when its happening. It will not happen. There is literally nothing that can make me focus when its happening. And it stops when I go to bed, but that doesn't help me work!!
So yeah fuck my stupid brain.

@Echo_6 group

So I have two things. One, do you think it could be depression or anxiety? Because both of those could also be the reason for trouble focusing. And two, do you do any working out?

@Moxie group

No I don't have depression or an anxiety disorder. I'm 99.9% sure I have adhd and so is my mom who is a teacher and just studied this. I just don't want to say I have it because I haven't been diagnosed.
I dance and work out in my dance class twice a week.

@Echo_6 group

Because I also struggle focusing and work best at night. And I also struggle with my legs constantly wanting to be moving and doing something. To combat the legs constantly wanting to be moving I run. A lot. I find that working out helps me to sit still for a bit to get things done. My reasons for struggling focusing are due to my depression and anxiety. And working out also seems to help both of those as well. But seeing as how you already work out and it isn't depression or anxiety then I don't know what to tell you sorry.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

@MoxieGoddessofBeauty I feel you with the leg thing, and the nighttime focus thing, (Not that focusing Ever works in my favour)
As an ADHD kid, I agree with your suspicions, and I reccomend either getting weights to put on your ankles, or something for your feet to move around while you're working.
(For ex: I will let my leg vibrate, or roll a ball underneath my foot on the floor, or play with a bracelet around my toes, or just my sock after I've worked it off of my feet, just to let myself focus…)
Another thing you can do, is when the urge to move happens, to something physical. A chore maybe, or walk around the room, a bunch of jumping jacks, relocate yourself, whatever.
(These tend to work for me, doesn't mean it'll work for you.)

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

You can also get strap weights, (They're a sensory thing, and are basically bracelets filled with sand and are fairly heavy and can strap around your wrists/ankles, or b laid on the back or your neck ot on your thigh ect.)
For some reason balancing one on my head feels really good~

@saor_illust school

Okii I have a mini vent and honestly Idrc if ppl respond to it or not.

Okay, so I do orchestra, right? 6th pd. we have a guest teacher. In the past, we had this really awesome violinist who I'll call A for now, and she usually led the orchestra class when we had guest teachers. Now, she hasn't come to school in several weeks, and rumors have spread that A is probably going to be homeschooled from now on. I really don't want to take on that role, since in the past the class would erupt into chaos, because a lot of kids wouldn't take her seriously. I want to say that a classmate, who we'll call B will lead the orchestra and another classmate, C will conduct since the last time B conducted, he was… to say the least very terrible at it. Only about half the orchestra came in, and the others were kind of confused.

Okii, mini vent over. I don't expect anyone to really respond, and I'm not looking for advice or anything, just needed to get that out of the dark.

@Pickles group

So our director was gone yesterday for the first part of class and he put the kid that always makes comments in the back in charge of warming us up which… why? The only reason I can think of would be so he knows what it feels like but he didn't change anything. I kinda felt bad for the kid but at the same time… I don't know. (If you're on the crushes chat, he's that kid)

Deleted user

My vent is that I can't vent about some rping people on here because they're on notebook. But aaaaaahhhh. afhkjahfdkahfkjdahfdsh holy frick tnh they're not really on the general forums so I could, but I don't want to risk that

But dahjkfhdshgjdkshkjghdjkghdsfucckkkjgdskhgkjs

tbh just do it

@Pickles group

My vent is that I can't vent about some rping people on here because they're on notebook. But aaaaaahhhh. afhkjahfdkahfkjdahfdsh holy frick tnh they're not really on the general forums so I could, but I don't want to risk that

But dahjkfhdshgjdkshkjghdjkghdsfucckkkjgdskhgkjs

tbh just do it

sorry do you NOT remember what happened last time??

@Moxie group

My vent is that I can't vent about some rping people on here because they're on notebook. But aaaaaahhhh. afhkjahfdkahfkjdahfdsh holy frick tnh they're not really on the general forums so I could, but I don't want to risk that

But dahjkfhdshgjdkshkjghdjkghdsfucckkkjgdskhgkjs

tbh just do it

Nah, I'd feel too bad. They're not mean or anything, just not the best at certain things sometimes

@Moxie group


You can get them at Target, but I got mine off of Amazon iirc.
They're amazing, and they give that sort of pressure!

I have one and it doesn't help with my restless legs at least. Like it helps me sleep but it does not help me with this
If anything it makes it worse. I just feel trapped
Literally nothing helps except sleep and walking around. But I can't exactly do that when I'm trying to work

Deleted user

My vent is that I can't vent about some rping people on here because they're on notebook. But aaaaaahhhh. afhkjahfdkahfkjdahfdsh holy frick tnh they're not really on the general forums so I could, but I don't want to risk that

But dahjkfhdshgjdkshkjghdjkghdsfucckkkjgdskhgkjs

tbh just do it

sorry do you NOT remember what happened last time??

I truly don't think there is anyone even remotely similar to Death Man on this entire site.

@Moxie group

My vent is that I can't vent about some rping people on here because they're on notebook. But aaaaaahhhh. afhkjahfdkahfkjdahfdsh holy frick tnh they're not really on the general forums so I could, but I don't want to risk that

But dahjkfhdshgjdkshkjghdjkghdsfucckkkjgdskhgkjs

tbh just do it

sorry do you NOT remember what happened last time??

I truly don't think there is anyone even remotely similar to Death Man on this entire site.

what about his three other accounts

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

1 Stop hurting yourself, emotionally/physically.
2, My PM's are open if you wanna talk. (I am not the best person to talk with, but I am willing to listen?)

@Moxie group

sorry do you NOT remember what happened last time??

I truly don't think there is anyone even remotely similar to Death Man on this entire site.

what about his three other accounts

Kay, I didn't want to interfere, but I will step in to say this. I have a PM with Death Man, and around said time of the incident he did say many times that both Kaiden, and the other account were not his. I believe him, especially since he said andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) spoke to him directly.
Stop saying he made those accounts. He didn't. Death is a genuinely good guy if you give him a chance, and I am not up for people putting him down again.

Okay I want to be sensitive about what we talk about in this chat, but if you would like to talk about this further we could talk about it in the rudeness chat (I promise I'll be civil)
If you don't want to have a conversation about it, we don't have to