forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user


It's for a Christmas gift because this piece of glass is extremely important

@Pickles group

Sand the edges so it won't cut them. I'd look up how to make sure you don't break it during that part and I guess drill a hole? Look it up though. And if it's that piece in particular, I would practice on a different piece and get someone to help you that's probably better at it


I don't even know where else to put this. I haven't been active lately. I know nobody on this site knows who I am, but I really just needed SOME place to get this all out. (TW for mental illness/suicide???) Everything's been falling apart and I don't know how I'm going to get through it. These past couple of months I've been in a really bad place mental-health wise and I really don't know what's causing it. All I know is I've literally lost all energy to do anything because for some reason nothing makes me happy anymore??? It's not sadness, though, just emptiness. I have no creativity so I can't even vent into my writing or my music anymore. I'm extremely stressed with school and am failing most of my classes, and I've grown apart from most of my friends. But I kind of reached my breaking point when my boyfriend and I broke up a few days ago. He was really my only support system, he was the person I always talked to about all this, and it sounds terrible but he was the most important thing in the world to me and I feel like I took him for granted because of the whole feeling-nothing thing. The worst part is that it was MY fault we broke up because, long story short, I trusted someone I shouldn't have to tell me what I should do and I know I really hurt him, but he said there's nothing I can ever do to fix it, so… and also, because we don't go to the same school and he's blocked me on everything, I'll probably never get to see him again and that's… excruciating. It's like I used him kind of as a crutch to lean on and now that he's gone I've realized how bad a situation my life really is, and how little I really have to count on. Oh, and yesterday I finally got called into the guidance counselor's to talk about my grades. Long story short, I finally opened up about my suicidal thoughts after years, and she called my parents. But then, when I got home… they didn't even say anything about it. They just gave me a long lecture about how I have to get my grades back up so I don't have to retake my classes and told me to go finish my homework. Then, when I brought it up, they started yelling at me about how they've done everything to help me and I'm just never grateful. The good news is that they DID agree to look into therapy, but to be honest I don't think they mean that because I tried to ask them to see a counselor in the past, they said they would, and proceeded to ignore me. I know I seem extremely pathetic but I really don't know how I'm going to recover from this.


I'm so sorry you're going through all of this. I hope you can convince your parents to find you a therapist/counselor but until then I hope you can find a new crutch and I would recommend seeing a school counselor too.
Even though I haven't really seen you around here just know we're always here for you on here and while I may not be the best at giving advice at times just know I'm always here to listen in PM's too <3

Deleted user


A flow of blood and other material from the lining of the uterus, lasting for several days and occurring in sexually mature women who are not pregnant at intervals of about one lunar month until the onset of menopause.

Deleted user

lmao epic response to the needless complaining

can u imagine going through a week of your period and



And just taking pain meds

and doing normal woman stuff instead of sitting around and feeling sorry?

gurl I can’t stand women who milk it it ain’t that bad

@Moxie group

(Okay yes but everyone's periods are different, and someone else's might be worse than yours. And some people can't have pain meds. And pain meds don't work for some people. Idk for some people it just is that bad sometimes. You're not "milking it" if it actually sucks)

Deleted user

But the chances of that happening are like… slim. i think, anyway. I feel like everyone puts a show on about it but idk i ain’t you

Deleted user

alright M i understood the first time and I tried to explain myself so shush your facehole