forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@saor_illust school

Oh Ella bean… if it helps, I totally understand. I love every inch of you because you're an amazing friend, and if you'd like, I'll gladly write out a whole letter (which spans two pages on Microsoft word) addressed to you on why you're an awesome bean or whatever you'd like.

@Moxie group

(Ella if I may . . . does this apply to anyone here? Do not feel obligated to answer this at all)

And is there anything I can do?

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Those of you who I have communicated with know that I'm a very family-oriented person…. Sadly family is what this vent is about.

A few years ago I discovered that I have another sister (A), whom I and my siblings have never met. When I found out I was excited by the news, and really really really wanted to meet her. So many questions and lost time!!!!

One of my sisters (T) decided to track A down and actually found her. Last year we had our annual family camping trip, which A was supposed to go to so she could meet us. A had talked to T, Se, and Sa via Facebook (and their dad). A's mother decided that she was gonna go after him for child support even though A is a full grown adult. A found out about this, and decided to cut all contact. I feel betrayed because she went back on her word. I feel heartbroken because just when we found her we lost her again. I have never talked to A, never seen her. I've been thinking about her a lot lately, and have been wondering what she's like. If we have anything in common. If I have any nieces and nephews that I didn't know about. Etcetera.


(Ella if I may . . . does this apply to anyone here? Do not feel obligated to answer this at all)

And is there anything I can do?

It’s mostly applying to my mom, but a few of those things apply to specific notebook beans as well… I’m not going to name them cause I know they aren’t trying to hurt me in any way and they’re amazing people but it doesn’t change the fact that it does hurt… (I will, however, clarify that you are not one of them, you have been nothing but kind and helpful and I can’t even put to words how much that means to me-)

And I don’t think there’s anything anyone can do unfortunately


i just cursed an asshole by rubbing his locker with pepper hahahahahhahah
sadly i dont think it'll rlly make his eyes burn if he rubs them after touching the locker but hey a man can hope

@Moxie group

I'm wearing a long sleeve undershirt under my long sleeved shirt (cause its fucking cold) and for some reason the shirt is really really tight around the crook of my elbow in a way that its never been before. And I'm trying to reply to one rp, and create a character for another one, but I have really bad experiences with things being tight or hurting around the crook of my elbow and its making it so hard to focus. And I really wish I could just take my undershirt off, but you would be able to see my bra through it. And I can't focus, and I'm shaking a little, and I have to go like this all fucking day, while still trying to focus in school and it hurts and its bringing up so many bad memories.

@Moxie group

The sleeves on the top shirt are looser. The undershirt has really tight sleeves.

Can you roll the sleeves up?

Tbh I thought this wouldn't work, because pressure on the space just above the crook of my elbow is just as bad for me, but I decided to try it cause you suggested it, and its actually helping a lot, so thank you

@saor_illust school

Reeee I really need to vent.

So in math, we were learning about some stuff and then our teacher was like, No talking but also here's like five problems, really easy. also don't do this one specific problem unless you have time. now since it's also wednesday, we only had half an hour to do this. now i know what you're thinking, that shouldn't be too hard, right? but no. i didn't really understand half of it, and the teacher kind of just came over to help when i asked, but then after like three seconds, he abandoned me and i got a bit upset because i didn't understand it at all. on top of that, it was also graded. so in total, my grade in math is probably going to drop because of a stupid assignment.


My phone asked for my thumbprint to get onto Notebook instead of my password (what I usually do) and I just stared at it for five minutes wondering where the thumbprint button on the screen was.