forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

I personally do it because it generally keeps it out of the way and off my neck…

But does it need to be on your forehead? No. No it doesn't. And the people that do it that really bug me genuinely think it looks cute but now it's in your face

@Mojack group

I've felt like shit these past few weeks, I've tried taking breaks over and over but nothing works anymore. I've wanted to kill myself at least 5 times these past few weeks but don't worry about little old me, I don't have the resources or guts to try anything. It's just made me feel like shit is all, and I'm going to keep getting up, but I'm not sure how much more I can take because it's been going on for a few months now and this is the first time I'm making a vent for it. I've had a hunch of having some sort of depression, but I really hate self-diagnosis so I'm not gonna officially say I have anything. i dont have the guts to admit anything either. i dont know how to ask for help anymore. this is just affecting my personal life at this point. its affecting how i sleep. maybe lack of sleep might have to do it, but god- i dont really know. just a few more weeks until christmas break and maybe i can recover. but i dont know. i jus really dont know.

buddy I know it's hard, but you have to tell someone

I'm gonna try to, it just might be some time before I figure out how to word it and when to.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I personally do it because it generally keeps it out of the way and off my neck…

But does it need to be on your forehead? No. No it doesn't. And the people that do it that really bug me genuinely think it looks cute but now it's in your face

Most people don't try to have it fall on their forehead, and personally I don't care if it looks stupid on the top of my head. (Also that hairdo, if you don't have enough elastics, can fall apart, and therefore end up in your face, at which point most are too lazy to fix it.)


Spoiler for The Tyrant’s Tomb below

Yeah…last night I was crying so hard my mom had to come into my room and lay down in bed with me until I calmed down.
And today I was reading during school and

I had to stop reading so I didn’t cry

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Goes off to finish reading Tyrant's Tomb in hopes this is all lies


it's really frustrating when your friends are having mental breakdowns and anxiety attacks but you can't do anything because 1. you don't know what to do no matter how hard you try and 2. your also just kind of depressed yourself and you can't help yourself so how are you supposed to help your friends


it's also really frustrating when your talking to your friend on ft and your trying your best not to have a breakdown in front of them even when the littlest things are setting you off.

and then your mom walks in and that just makes your mood so much worse

Deleted user

This is why I cut all my hair off. though it's grown out again and I look like one of the Weasley twins

Me too!! Team pixie cut

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

This is why I cut all my hair off. though it's grown out again and I look like one of the Weasley twins

Me too!! Team pixie cut

Plus, my hair is just thic and I couldn't do anything with it anyway XD Yeayy!

Deleted user

This is why I cut all my hair off. though it's grown out again and I look like one of the Weasley twins

Me too!! Team pixie cut

Plus, my hair is just thic and I couldn't do anything with it anyway XD Yeayy!

Omg same lol

Deleted user

This is when Coral and I discover that we are the same exact person running two different accounts