forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

Guys, we have a problem
So I may have cheated a wee bit on nano to get a good grade i know, I'm a failure, but I did do it, but she found out a girl repeated parts, so she's going to read some of them and she already printed some out apparently and…. AHHHHHH I'M A TERRIBLE PERSON AND NOW I'M GOING TO GET CAUGHT AND IDK WHAT TO DO BUT THERE'S NOT REALLY MUCH I CAN DO AT THIS POINT

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

NaNo is something you should do if you a) have a story you actually want to write, and b) have the actual ability to have the motivation to write said story. If you don't, NaNo just makes you feel like a piece of trash who can't write.

@HighPockets group

NaNo is something you should do if you a) have a story you actually want to write, and b) have the actual ability to have the motivation to write said story. If you don't, NaNo just makes you feel like a piece of trash who can't write.


NaNo's great if you can stay inspired and focused, but I can't. I always attempt it and fail because I get sidetracked and since it's November and not August or something.
The last time I wrote something that actually followed a linear path it was a Frankenstein fic I wrote for my friend

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I tried NaNo once, but I dropped it because it really was just tearing down what semblance of sanity I had, and I just wasn't able to do it. The story had been a flash in the pan for me, something I like at the beginning but slowly grow to hate, and that only made things worse. AND THANK YOU FOR THE VALIDATION OF WHAT I SAID, I REALLY NEEDED THAT!!! ^w^

@HighPockets group

I tried NaNo once, but I dropped it because it really was just tearing down what semblance of sanity I had, and I just wasn't able to do it. The story had been a flash in the pan for me, something I like at the beginning but slowly grow to hate, and that only made things worse. AND THANK YOU FOR THE VALIDATION OF WHAT I SAID, I REALLY NEEDED THAT!!! ^w^

I just don't have the time and motivation, and if I'm not motivated, I write terribly.

@Pickles group

Bit of a side tangent buuutttt…

Hello, you. You are lovely. Even if you wake up in the morning and hate yourself. You are beautiful because you are you. No one else is exactly like you. In this age of self deprecating jokes, it's especially important to remember that you are absolutely wonderful

Wow that sounds dumb

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Bit of a side tangent buuutttt…

Hello, you. You are lovely. Even if you wake up in the morning and hate yourself. You are beautiful because you are you. No one else is exactly like you. In this age of self deprecating jokes, it's especially important to remember that you are absolutely wonderful

Wow that sounds dumb

Actually no, this was really nice to hear right now. Thank you!

Deleted user

I've heard of people consuming over 100 mg a day and being fine
but please don't

jesus christ this is a lot more difficult than it should be


I've heard of people consuming over 100 mg a day and being fine
but please don't

jesus christ this is a lot more difficult than it should be

That's the point
but seriously love ya I would cry if anything happened to any of ya'll

Deleted user

I've heard of people consuming over 100 mg a day and being fine
but please don't

jesus christ this is a lot more difficult than it should be

That's the point
but seriously love ya I would cry if anything happened to any of ya'll

thanks jay
but your girl ain't doin too well


I've heard of people consuming over 100 mg a day and being fine
but please don't

jesus christ this is a lot more difficult than it should be

That's the point
but seriously love ya I would cry if anything happened to any of ya'll

thanks jay
but your girl ain't doin too well

I'm sorry and I get it but is there anything I could do to help?