forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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I have medium vent.
So it’s taken a while to decide (like around 7 to 8 years) But I have decided to stop being friends with a specific person. I think she can be great sometimes. But I’m just really sick of her on the long term. Although this isn’t nice at all, I just think that everything about her is just plain negativity. She’s easily influenced by media, she gets really judgy towards others, she also feels the need to slut-shame people, and she constantly wants little minions (aka me most of the time) she makes bad decisions and acts really condescending towards me and the choices I make in relationships. Last Friday I went to see my girlfriend and without thinking I invited her because she’s also extremely close to my gf, BUT ALL THE GIRL DID WAS MAKE ME SUPER INSECURE ABOUT MYSELF AND MY RELATIONSHIP. you don’t just stare at the outfit I’ve picked like it’s an abomination and then say nothing! And then you don’t tell my gf I spent hours choosing an outfit when even you wanted to look good and I refused to lend you some clothes because the last time I lent you something it took 6 months for you to give it back! In short I don’t know how to tell her that I don’t want to be her friend anymore and I need help


also this isn't rlly a vent but it's not,,,,good necessarily
alc tw i got drunk for the first time a couple days ago i paced myself and drank a lot of water so i didnt get a hangover at all it was kinda fun lmao
end alc tw just in case the spoilers didnt work

@Anemone eco

Well, I guess I'll do a mini vent.

Umm. So. I've been feeling kinda bad lately and I know/don't know why. Like, my sadness and stress is one thing, but sometimes I have no clue why I'm pissed off at the world. I'm just confused. Nothing bad happens to me, but I just get pissed off and snap at everyone. Or I could be happy as can be and suddenly want to cry. It's very confusing, to say the least. Like, when I think back, only half of the time do I know why I feel the way I am. So uh… yeah. That's it I guess.


Oof. It's been a while since I dealt with limits. If I was still in Calc, I could probably have helped you, but I switched to Stats. Sorry…

The only tip I can give is to watch Khan Academy. He's really got at explaining mathematics and how stuff works.

Good luck.

Deleted user

So I can do my concert so I’m going to communicate with person only Emi and Destiny knows about, yes. I’m actually smiling a ton now from everything. I’m genuinely happy, ON MY PERIOD BY THE WAY.


@Pickles group

We have a concert tonight and district contest is Friday, and the kid that can't play said that he doesn't know the notes of a part so he's not gonna play it tonight. Took half the year, but finally he's not pretending to know everything