forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I'm in tears from stress because i woke the baby and got yelled at and have actually been a littl stressed and anxious all day and my mom decided to go take a fucking shower after asking demanding i go peel potatoes as she has AGAIN planned a dinner that takes over an hour to make for my cadet night.
We have to leave in a little over an hour and a half, maybe 2 hours, so I can be there on time. And there's no give to when we leave unless we risk traffic delays.
I'm probably just being very unreasonable and anxious for no reason… but what is really bugging me is the fact that I once again did something wrong and got yelled at for it nd for some reason tht makes me feel like a fucking idiot and there's no way to communicate to my momthat doing that makes me actually start sobbing or at least start fight tears and if I do somehow tell her I'll probably be told that I'm just being selfish and overreacting and then get lectured on my selfishness and how it's normal but wrong because I'm a teenager and the oldest and should somehow know better and I don't.


i discovered recently that plastic houses are not at all safe for chinchillas, since they're always trying to chew on things
apparently too much plastic could give them permanent damage or even kill them if you aren't careful-
so i've been telling my mom over and over that we need to get them a wooden hidey house, their lives could depend on it, and she keeps saying "yep, okay, we'll order one", but never does-
if i remove their current unsafe house, they won't have a place to hide when the littles try to torment them, so my sister and i decided to leave it in there until we get the new one

…it's been quite a while
we still don't have it
and to make things worse, my little siblings keep running off and playing with their chew sticks, so the babies have nothing else to chew on to keep their teeth from growing out
my mom keeps saying it's just apple wood, i should go out and get them some myself if it's that big of a deal, but I have to get the right branches from the right tree and clean them properly or else that could hurt them as well, and only Anna knows how to do that, so I need her to help me, but she's always too busy, and she's moving out in a month, so i need her to teach me soon, but she hasn't yet, and-
i don't know what i'm doing
i need someone to help me until i can do things myself…
but they aren't
they keep telling me to figure it out, saying that i'm smart, i can do it
bu i'm not smart
i can't do it

…i should've known i wasn't ready for chinchildren
i should've let someone who knows what they're doing take care of them instead of trying to take on more than i can handle
but i didn't
and now my babies are hurting because of it.
so in short, i am a terrible mom

Deleted user

Google and youtube could really help you out here too, you know.
If no one is willing to teach you, teach yourself.

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

We have a concert tonight and district contest is Friday, and the kid that can't play said that he doesn't know the notes of a part so he's not gonna play it tonight. Took half the year, but finally he's not pretending to know everything

Lucky. Our kid that can't play still pretends he can. I can hear him playing wrong notes from across the six-person horn section

Deleted user

We have a concert tonight and district contest is Friday, and the kid that can't play said that he doesn't know the notes of a part so he's not gonna play it tonight. Took half the year, but finally he's not pretending to know everything

Lucky. Our kid that can't play still pretends he can. I can hear him playing wrong notes from across the six-person horn section

I have a duet with someone whose tone is so bad it sounds wrong. She was absent for the whole of last week, so I had to play it by myself during the song, in which it sounded fine (by the words of my low brassican friend), but when we played it today it was baaaad….. realllllll bad……

Deleted user

We have a concert tonight and district contest is Friday, and the kid that can't play said that he doesn't know the notes of a part so he's not gonna play it tonight. Took half the year, but finally he's not pretending to know everything

Lucky. Our kid that can't play still pretends he can. I can hear him playing wrong notes from across the six-person horn section

I have a duet with someone whose tone is so bad it sounds wrong. She was absent for the whole of last week, so I had to play it by myself during the song, in which it sounded fine (by the words of my low brassican friend), but when we played it today it was baaaad….. realllllll bad……

Bruh it was, how did she get a good score? She sounds so bad. This is coming from a squeaky ass clarinet who is sometimes out of tune.

Deleted user

It wasn’t Laramie, it’s the girl who sits next to me in band. We’re both on the oboe part for our song Solàs Ané. it makes me so angry

i take the piece home and play it so i sound good

then these assholes depend on me for backup during their shitty duet and ruin the one I personally wanted

just fuck