forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@TeamMezzo group

help i just got caught with my cell phone the one time i didn't know i had it on me
my bio teacher wasn't mad because i "don't have it on me ever" and "humans make mistakes" so she isn't telling my parents which is great since my dad is pissed at me rn and idk why

@Pickles group

The teachers at my school don't care if we have them on us, as long as we aren't on them. At the junior high though, it was stricter. The "preparing us for high school" crap

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Kids aren't useful until they're adults

I think kids are useful.. At least.. I hope we are. It’s Fern, by the way.. the 10 year old… 😞

I think children do not need to be useful. Who are we to judge someone by what they can do for us?

@Pickles group

How so? (This one isn't a challenge to your statement.)

  1. Small
  2. Fragile
  3. Scream friends
  4. Dependent
  5. Smelly
  6. No concept of money, work, and no general sense of how the world works

@Anemone eco

Fair. Can you list the good things?

  1. They don't stay kids.
  2. They can make people smile I guess.
  3. They… uh… are kinda-sorta the hope of humanity? Without children, humanity would die out? Though that may not be bad…
  4. "Kids" are also baby goats and those are kinda nice I guess.
  5. The can make memories people like looking back on?
  6. They not in my opinion can be cute. I guess…

@Pickles group

Fair. Can you list the good things?

  1. They don't stay kids.
  2. They can make people smile I guess.
  3. They… uh… are kinda-sorta the hope of humanity? a way for old people to not take responsibility for the crappy world we live in, despite it being largely their fault Without children, humanity would die out? Though that may not be bad…
  4. "Kids" are also baby goats and those are kinda nice I guess.
  5. The can make memories people like looking back on?
  6. They not in my opinion can be cute. I guess…

@Moxie group

Plus they do really funny shit sometimes. And they almost always have great facial expressions. Plus. Have you ever heard a really little kid laugh out of sheer joy?? It’s amazing

@Pickles group

SOMEONE had to do it to end up with them. That's how we all got here (mostly). But I suppose you don't necessarily have to be the one to do it. Cheap, I suppose. Now I'm wondering if anyone's ever made money off of selling their kids illegally. Hm