forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


I mean yeah
I'm more concerned about my boyfriend though
He's tiny too
He hasn't been eating or sleeping and I'm like
You should do that


Yeah he's like, 95 pounds at most
And he's a fifteen year old guy
We give him food whenever he comes over to our house since his parents don't give him real food

Deleted user


i’m not eek.

@Anemone eco

Yeah he's like, 95 pounds at most
And he's a fifteen year old guy
We give him food whenever he comes over to our house since his parents don't give him real food

oH hElL nAh. I'm 'BoUt To SlAp ThE pEoPlE wHo DaReD tO cAlL tHeMsElVeS hIs PaReNt'S. hOnEy No.

I'm glad you guys are giving him food.

Deleted user


i’m not eek.

Yes. You. Are.

no. i’m. not.


Yeah he's like, 95 pounds at most
And he's a fifteen year old guy
We give him food whenever he comes over to our house since his parents don't give him real food

oH hElL nAh. I'm 'BoUt To SlAp ThE pEoPlE wHo DaReD tO cAlL tHeMsElVeS hIs PaReNt'S. hOnEy No.

I'm glad you guys are giving him food.

Yeah he needs it
Like, technically they feed him?? But it's like, beans and vegetarian lasagna that made him throw up
And shit from the expired section in Kroger or something

@Anemone eco

no. i’m. not.

Nia, you're so pretty that you done threw me into a whole identity crisis. Here I was, pretty certain I had figured out my sexuality, but then nO. You came along strutting your stuff and I was like: wAiT a MinUtE. ThAt aIn't RigHT.

@Anemone eco

Yeah he's like, 95 pounds at most
And he's a fifteen year old guy
We give him food whenever he comes over to our house since his parents don't give him real food

oH hElL nAh. I'm 'BoUt To SlAp ThE pEoPlE wHo DaReD tO cAlL tHeMsElVeS hIs PaReNt'S. hOnEy No.

I'm glad you guys are giving him food.

Yeah he needs it
Like, technically they feed him?? But it's like, beans and vegetarian lasagna that made him throw up
And shit from the expired section in Kroger or something


Nope. Nuh-uh. People make me sick. I just can't.


Yeah, and his mom is a huge bitch to him even though he's super sweet
She threw away his rubber bands (he has braces) which were literally where they were supposed to be in his room and then yelled at him for being irresponsible or something?
And generally she just yells at him for nothing and she 'doesn't believe in anxiety' or some shit even though he clearly has anxiety and is depressed. He doesn't really talk about it though since he doesn't want me to worry

@Anemone eco

Doesn't believe in anxi- Bitch what??

She- she just- nope. The bitch needs to burn as soon as possible. That's just a load of shit.


Yeah I'm just like
I've been to their house several times??
How the fuck does she not think anxiety exists???

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

Okay but I'm talking to this cutie 3-ish hours away and I'm daydreaming about them and I just woke up from a nap where I had a dream about them… I feel like I'm going crazy and I miss them so much. I want to see them and kiss them so badlyyy


And she won't let him wear hoodies to school even though they're allowed??
Like, c'mon bitch, he's always fucking freezing let him wear a damn hoodie
If it's slightly chilly in the school his fucking teeth are chattering
That boy needs a heating blanket at all times

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

And she won't let him wear hoodies to school even though they're allowed??
Like, c'mon bitch, he's always fucking freezing let him wear a damn hoodie
If it's slightly chilly in the school his fucking teeth are chattering
That boy needs a heating blanket at all times

I want to protecc him


And she won't let him wear hoodies to school even though they're allowed??
Like, c'mon bitch, he's always fucking freezing let him wear a damn hoodie
If it's slightly chilly in the school his fucking teeth are chattering
That boy needs a heating blanket at all times

I want to protecc him

He needs big protecc
Like, I'm pretty sure he has panic attacks because he described one time when it was the middle of the night and he felt like he was on a rocking boat or something? And like, he was seriously considering texting some of his friends goodbye because he legitimately thought he was going to die

@Echo_6 group


i’m not eek.

Yes. You. Are.

no. i’m. not.

I have to disagree, and say that, Girl you hella pretty!!! Don't ever say you aren't. Because you are and there ain't no changin that!

Deleted user

it's not exactly something bad. but. god i'm going to sound crazy.

i'm hearing someones prayers.
and i'm not talking like, they are in the room next door.
it's a little boy. of age seven i think. he said he is in nepal.
he's praying for his little sister. she is extremely sick, almost dying.
i shouldn't be able to hear this, but i can.

thats not the only prayer i can hear.

there is an elderly woman in japan.
her daughter just had a miscarriage and tried to commit suicide.
she is praying she will be okay.

and the thing is. this isn't all i can do.

i can feel peoples emotions.
i can see their emotional flow and i can feel their emotions almost at the same intensity as they are,

i can see spirits as well.
there is a little girl who hung herself in the corner of my room before i moved into this house and her spirit remains there.

i know i have some form of magical energy. i can see it radiating off me and i can see it radiate off others sometimes.
like my 'brother' i can see he has more power then he knows.

i'm kind of concerned that i might just be going insane?



i’m not eek.

Yes. You. Are.

no. i’m. not.

Aight, let's learn about something called relativity. Everyone is beautiful and lovely because beauty is relative. Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder, and this beholder is enchanted.