forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Well I do have psychopathic tendencies. Even as a child I would attempt to stifle emotion to things that promoted a response I found to be unpleasant. Now I do that with empathy. (Though sometimes it's not my choice and my relationship with empathy is complicated.) But I now live a life where I nearly always successfully manage to shut down any minor negative emotional response. The bigger ones are a tossup. But I sometimes let those out if I feel the pros outweigh the cons.

dom that's actually pretty normal to shut down a negative response….not really a psychopathic tendency

Well I thought the empathy dealio was a bit psycho. But there's other stuff too. Plus some stuff that could be explained as intrusive thoughts.

@YukiSenoue group

Oh. That's much less interesting. I was ready to drag pedophile culture.

Oh, I can drag it together with you if you want.
Hollywood is full of pedophiles, anyways. It should be burned for this reason alone.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Wait's the tea with it? Does it condone pedophilia or something?

No no, it's just a movie about a game series I love and Hollywood is just SHITTING OVER ITS LORE FOR NO GODDAMNED REASON

I feel that though.

Deleted user

Well I do have psychopathic tendencies. Even as a child I would attempt to stifle emotion to things that promoted a response I found to be unpleasant. Now I do that with empathy. (Though sometimes it's not my choice and my relationship with empathy is complicated.) But I now live a life where I nearly always successfully manage to shut down any minor negative emotional response. The bigger ones are a tossup. But I sometimes let those out if I feel the pros outweigh the cons.

dom that's actually pretty normal to shut down a negative response….not really a psychopathic tendency

Well I thought the empathy dealio was a bit psycho. But there's other stuff too. Plus some stuff that could be explained as intrusive thoughts.

Empathy is normal as well. Do you mean Apathy?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

dom that's actually pretty normal to shut down a negative response….not really a psychopathic tendency

Well I thought the empathy dealio was a bit psycho. But there's other stuff too. Plus some stuff that could be explained as intrusive thoughts.

Empathy is normal as well. Do you mean Apathy?

No I mean empathy. It is very low even when seeing stuff like others in pain with occasional intense spikes. Instead, I just have minor to major curiosity that wants to take people apart (mentally, though physically would also be slightly interesting). (Just like my boy Silas) I think about things with a lot less emotion than everyone else seems to do. I had to teach myself what is acceptable and what isn't so I could blend in with other people. I still fail at times.

@Pickles group

Cough Percy Jackson Cough

That's what I was gonna say

Anyone seen Eragon?

I haven't seen it or read it, but I hear it's an awful adaptation

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

I can. So can other people. The more you do it, the easier it gets.

I've tried. Hasn't worked
Also that sounds like. Slightly unhealthy

Dom not everyone compartmentalizes their feelings like you do. chill my guy.

I mean, I didn't even try until I turned 14. What I mean is that it can be learned (unless it is a genetic predisposition that has to be triggered.) And it might be a little unhealthy, Idk, but it took away from some bad qualities I had.

Not to be that person, but fun fact that's what serial killers do to keep their lives separate. Every though you probably aren't a serial killer. Is it bad that that's something I kind of wish I could do?

PLEASE be that person, I LOVE that person

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Be that person. Control yourself and you can control all the world around you. (To a certain extent. Learning to control others is also necessary if you want to manipulate something other than your subjective perception of the universe.)

@Anemone eco

Just found out the virus is in my city yay…

The coronavirus? If so, it's in mine too. But I'm not really worried about it though.


Just found out the virus is in my city yay…

The coronavirus? If so, it's in mine too. But I'm not really worried about it though.

You saying that made me feel a little better

@saor_illust school

i have a very important message from a youtube channel i watch (it's run by a family medicine doctor) for y'all regarding the coronavirus

Alert not anxious