forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

yeah it’s not dangerous enough to kill

probably just annoying ngl


It’s mainly only killing the elderly/people with serious health conditions, so even if we all get it we’d probably be perfectly fine-

…however my grandpa likely wouldn’t, which is why I’m starting to panic

@Anemone eco

…I've just been told I'm a manipulative person…

Really? Hmm.

Yeah. I'm not too sure as to why though. But they refused to explain.

Deleted user

dom that's actually pretty normal to shut down a negative response….not really a psychopathic tendency

Well I thought the empathy dealio was a bit psycho. But there's other stuff too. Plus some stuff that could be explained as intrusive thoughts.

Empathy is normal as well. Do you mean Apathy?

No I mean empathy. It is very low even when seeing stuff like others in pain with occasional intense spikes. Instead, I just have minor to major curiosity that wants to take people apart (mentally, though physically would also be slightly interesting). (Just like my boy Silas) I think about things with a lot less emotion than everyone else seems to do. I had to teach myself what is acceptable and what isn't so I could blend in with other people. I still fail at times.

You're not a psycho for not being affected by other's emotions. Nor are you a psycho for teaching yourself the ins and outs of modern society. You're not a psycho at all. Trust me.

@Moxie group

Well I do have psychopathic tendencies. Even as a child I would attempt to stifle emotion to things that promoted a response I found to be unpleasant. Now I do that with empathy. (Though sometimes it's not my choice and my relationship with empathy is complicated.) But I now live a life where I nearly always successfully manage to shut down any minor negative emotional response. The bigger ones are a tossup. But I sometimes let those out if I feel the pros outweigh the cons.

dom that's actually pretty normal to shut down a negative response….not really a psychopathic tendency

Well I thought the empathy dealio was a bit psycho. But there's other stuff too. Plus some stuff that could be explained as intrusive thoughts.

Having low empathy isn’t psycho. Some people just have higher empathy than others and that’s normal. And it’s normal to have lower empathy than other people.

Deleted user


Me: Eyes keep involuntarily shutting because of extreme cramps


I know I'm super late but I 100% feel the same as Dom. Like, I can't find the right word for what I mean. I don't necessarily mean agree?? I mean, I do agree, but I mean more like I experience things the same way as Dom is describing

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Well I do have psychopathic tendencies. Even as a child I would attempt to stifle emotion to things that promoted a response I found to be unpleasant. Now I do that with empathy. (Though sometimes it's not my choice and my relationship with empathy is complicated.) But I now live a life where I nearly always successfully manage to shut down any minor negative emotional response. The bigger ones are a tossup. But I sometimes let those out if I feel the pros outweigh the cons.

dom that's actually pretty normal to shut down a negative response….not really a psychopathic tendency

Well I thought the empathy dealio was a bit psycho. But there's other stuff too. Plus some stuff that could be explained as intrusive thoughts.

Having low empathy isn’t psycho. Some people just have higher empathy than others and that’s normal. And it’s normal to have lower empathy than other people.

I mean I am also manipulative sort of by nature. Like, I don't like it at times. And I'm not saying this because I want to be. It just really does seem that way.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I know I'm super late but I 100% feel the same as Dom. Like, I can't find the right word for what I mean. I don't necessarily mean agree?? I mean, I do agree, but I mean more like I experience things the same way as Dom is describing

Do you do the thing when you have to fake caring pretty much a few times every day when you literally couldn't care less?


I know I'm super late but I 100% feel the same as Dom. Like, I can't find the right word for what I mean. I don't necessarily mean agree?? I mean, I do agree, but I mean more like I experience things the same way as Dom is describing

Do you do the thing when you have to fake caring pretty much a few times every day when you literally couldn't care less?

y e s like, stop talking about your fucking Charles Dickens books, I'm gonna pretend I care because I'm a decentish person (or at least pretend to be), but no one fucking cares

I also very don't care about your for king and country fanfiction

or your les miserables fanfiction


Or, you know, when people generally talk about their day and it's just like
"I don't care about your sister being sick. I probably should and I should feel bad about not, but Whoopsies, I don't experience guilt"

Deleted user

I know I'm super late but I 100% feel the same as Dom. Like, I can't find the right word for what I mean. I don't necessarily mean agree?? I mean, I do agree, but I mean more like I experience things the same way as Dom is describing

Do you do the thing when you have to fake caring pretty much a few times every day when you literally couldn't care less?

Haha,, I do that

@Pickles group

I know I'm super late but I 100% feel the same as Dom. Like, I can't find the right word for what I mean. I don't necessarily mean agree?? I mean, I do agree, but I mean more like I experience things the same way as Dom is describing

Do you do the thing when you have to fake caring pretty much a few times every day when you literally couldn't care less?

Everyone does that

@Anemone eco

Okay, so for some reason I'm in a bad mood and I can't even figure out why. Nothing bad has happened to me today, I'm just pissed for what seems like (and probably is) no reason.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Or, you know, when people generally talk about their day and it's just like
"I don't care about your sister being sick. I probably should and I should feel bad about not, but Whoopsies, I don't experience guilt"

Lol me.

Deleted user

how do I ask my mom if she'll let me shave my head in the bathroom