forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Moxie group

Keep in mind we're gay, we do things quickly

That sounds stupid. You leave yourself open to pain.

Haven’t you heard of U-Haul lesbians? Same thing

yeah lmao it's real
we fall too easily my man

I don't think that's a biological trait. Just have standards that are high and block out everyone. Know that you control your feelings and that even the strong ones disappear in time.

Yeah its not a biological trait (correlation, not causation ;P). I don't think you can control your feelings. I think you can control how you react to those feelings or what happens because of them, but I don't think you can control them. Or at least, not everyone. Idk, maybe some people.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I know this isn't really part of what's going on but to me Dom is sounding like an 80-year-old nun and I cannot get that image out of my head

Y'know? I'll take that as a compliment. You met nuns? They're chill.

@Moxie group

I can. So can other people. The more you do it, the easier it gets.

I've tried. Hasn't worked
Also that sounds like. Slightly unhealthy

Deleted user

I can. So can other people. The more you do it, the easier it gets.

I've tried. Hasn't worked
Also that sounds like. Slightly unhealthy

Dom not everyone compartmentalizes their feelings like you do. chill my guy.

@TeamMezzo group

so, i've already covered how he doesn't teach, which is shitty enough, but this? this crosses the line. i didn't know this until yesterday, and i'm fucking done with his bullshit.
he misgenders my transgirl friend josephine and deadnames her, even though she corrects him every. fucking. time. and you know what? i can deal with him not teaching, i can get homework done in his class. but if you misgender one of my friends who i know already struggles with bullying and other dysphoric things? i'm done. i'm fucking done, i'm going to do everything in my power to get this man fired and nobody's going to stop me.

@Kie group

The teacher sounds sucky. Sadly, you can't get some idiots to listen when you've a problem with what they're doing.

Tell your friend that she's just gotta learn to ignore some people even if it's difficult. (Also it's so cool she's got the same name as me lol)


I know this isn't really part of what's going on but to me Dom is sounding like an 80-year-old nun and I cannot get that image out of my head

Y'know? I'll take that as a compliment. You met nuns? They're chill.

They're super chill, but what cracked me up was the image of you in a nun outfit and I couldn't handle it

Deleted user

After thinking about I’m going to go to the cookie booth, and if I’m still treated as shit around others, I’m running away. Maybe I’ll go to Destiny’s house. I’m done with being pushed around. I’m done with seeing my brother struggle. I’m done with watching my mom, grandmother and dad cry. I’m done with the cunts holding back my life. Sure I don’t have it as bad as other people, but at least everyone else can lock themselves in a room, I STILL DON’T HAVE A ROOM TO MYSELF OR A DOOR. My mom might punish me, and it’s a shame it’s close to my birthday, but I don’t think I can stay calm anymore.


After thinking about I’m going to go to the cookie booth, and if I’m still treated as shit around others, I’m running away. Maybe I’ll go to Destiny’s house. I’m done with being pushed around. I’m done with seeing my brother struggle. I’m done with watching my mom, grandmother and dad cry. I’m done with the cunts holding back my life. Sure I don’t have it as bad as other people, but at least everyone else can lock themselves in a room, I STILL DON’T HAVE A ROOM TO MYSELF OR A DOOR. My mom might punish me, and it’s a shame it’s close to my birthday, but I don’t think I can stay calm anymore.

Go as far as you can get yourself a room with a door. Do what you wan eat what you want. Be who you want. And most importantly buy chocolate.

sounding so fucking inspirational over here for whatever reason

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

You running away is not going to solve any of that.

I agree. It may seem like a good solution to you, but it's really not.

As much as it's a bad idea. I already stated that I would do the exact same thing in your lace so I say go for it. Just try to be safe and dont die okay?

@Pickles group

You running away is not going to solve any of that.

I agree. It may seem like a good solution to you, but it's really not.

As much as it's a bad idea. I already stated that I would do the exact same thing in your lace so I say go for it. Just try to be safe and dont die okay?

as much as it's a bad idea go for it? What kind of shit advice it that????

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

The advice that is coming from the person who sees that things at their home are rough, and have not gotten better over a LONG period of time, and that staying there is not helpful, and is actually hurting them.
I say leave. Find somewhere else that's safer, or at least less emotionally harmful. There are shelters out there, there are friends houses, there is elsewhere. I believe taking th risk and finding that elsewhere is a reasonable move.

@Pickles group

Sometimes you just need to take a step back from the situation, it helps a lot.


Oh but see, taking a step back would involve not running away immediately

Deleted user

So, should I not run off? I think I’ll stick with hiding in my moms room, she won’t take shit around her, and if they try something while she’s around, and they do it too much they’re gonna be gone. My mom said she would have kicked Cunter and my sister out already if it wasn’t for her being way too nice and not wanting to because of her pregnancy. My mom can’t do much, and I can’t. I’m just a 15 only sixteen year old girl. What am I supposed to do? I can’t do anything. All I can do is sit it out, without a door, without a filter. I’ve been pushed by them for the LAST time. My filter is gone now. I’m not happy. I’m pissy. I’m getting smart to people, I RANTED TO SOMEONE WHO DOESN’T REALLY TALK AND I LIKE THEM A LOT SO NOW THEY HAVE A LOT OF SHIT I JUST THREW AT THEM AND I FEEL BAD.

@Pickles group

Maybe you could talk to your family about spending some time at someone else's house, like a relative or friend nearby, but straight up running away is a bad idea