forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

@Pickles group

I love when my government teacher doesn't actually tell us about an assignment and just puts it on Classroom but sets impossible standards for picking your topic so you can't even do it


I haven't eaten anything since lunch yesterday

Same, but yeah. Wolfheart's right. You need to eat

I had a couple biscuits so I'm aight

@TeamMezzo group

What is your English teacher doing?

we're reading like a ten paragraph article and we're on day three right now and we're about two paragraphs in? and so when a bunch of us started doing the homework that he put on the board he got pissed and said he wasn't assigning it.
and then
two minutes after the end of class
he said oh, by the way, do all this for hw
i'm so done with him oh my god

@Anemone eco

I mean, people are going to be spiteful and petty. There's not really anything you can do about it. I'm sorry that this happened though.

@Anemone eco

I haven't eaten anything since lunch yesterday

Same, but yeah. Wolfheart's right. You need to eat

I had a couple biscuits so I'm aight

Nope. You've gotta eat more than that. From what you last told us, you're underweight. It's not good, Caustic. Go eat.

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

Tryna get over this girl, but my friends aren't helpful. One of them is aro, another one is so perfect and never gets rejected by anybody, and the other is stuck on me, so I can't talk to him… he clearly doesn't know how seeing as it's been about 3 years since we dated


You can switch lives with me!!!

…Mine’s boring as hell, but you don’t get school, can easily skip chores, sleep all day, and you get to take care of my precious chinchildren-
please I want a life