forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

For the first five minutes of both the science and reading, I just sat there as my brain said "dude wtf what the FUCK is this?!" over and over


When you're not old enough to take the ACT but most people in your math class are, so there's literally only five people in your class right now, so we having a study hall bois

@Kie group

I took the ACT in 7th grade because I'm a gifted kid and got like a 20. I get what you mean with the science though lol

Deleted user

What the fuck is the ACT? I’m a sophomore and I still don’t know what that is


Hell yes.
You’re worrying me a lot Destiny, I think you should call home and see if your mom will pick you up, maybe relaxing at home will help more.

I might give it until after lunch or 4th mod… if I’m not better by then I’m going to leave


I'm also a Sophomore, but like, you should at least know what it is even though you won't take it until next year. My teachers don't shut up about it

Deleted user

No ones ever mentioned it to me, and it’s like a big test, am I wrong or right…?

@Kie group

It's like 3-4 hours from memory, four sections, and colleges sometimes use the score to determine if you get in or not.

Deleted user

(Oh wait I’m a dummy I know what that is. I’m gonna fail it so hard :))


It's scored out of 36 for some reason, and I know my brother did really really well on it
Yale sent him an entire booklet lmao

@Kie group

Oof. Considering I got a pretty average score in 7th grade I'm expecting at least a 25 when I next take it. I think one dude scored like a 26 when we did it lol

@Pickles group

When you're not old enough to take the ACT but most people in your math class are, so there's literally only five people in your class right now, so we having a study hall bois

Everyone else has today off. We did review in my math and science last year because I was a year ahead and my English teacher last year was obsessed with it so we did a whole quarter of review for it then

@Pickles group

Oof. Considering I got a pretty average score in 7th grade I'm expecting at least a 25 when I next take it. I think one dude scored like a 26 when we did it lol

You took it in 7th grade??

@Pickles group

Idk about other states, but Ohio pays for all the juniors to take it once but we can take it other than that and sophomore year we just have to pay for it

@Kie group

Oof. Considering I got a pretty average score in 7th grade I'm expecting at least a 25 when I next take it. I think one dude scored like a 26 when we did it lol

You took it in 7th grade??

Yeah, because I'm a gifted kid. All the kids in the class took it and I got a 20 lol

@Pickles group

Oof. Considering I got a pretty average score in 7th grade I'm expecting at least a 25 when I next take it. I think one dude scored like a 26 when we did it lol

You took it in 7th grade??

Yeah, because I'm a gifted kid. All the kids in the class took it and I got a 20 lol

I was a gifted kid and we didn't take it. There's a bunch of stuff you don't learn until high school. Seems really dumb to take it that early.

@Kie group

I don't think it was dumb, I think it helped us see how much potential we had to improve. OFC you're gonna learn new stuff during high school but through that experience, we also got to see what it'd be like once we took it again.

Deleted user

lmao Kylee, we don’t have to take the ACT test, we have to take the SAT.

Deleted user

I thought of the SAT but I didn’t remember the name like a dumb ass lol