forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


…how do i tell her this?

Just like that. Sit her down, look her in the eyes, and say what you just said. Sometimes parents will only start to truly listen when you show them a side of you that they've never seen before. They need to see you serious, and hurting. If they care for you at all, they would be able to see just how much pain you're going through, and be prompted to do something about it. Parents who care don't like seeing their child suffer, and will do what parents do best; try to help you.

Thank you so much, fren <3<3<3

@Pickles group

So we're on the way back from our second competition and varsity is playing songs on the speaker and one came on and I was like this sounds familiar but I didn't know why and I jokingly imagined tori vega from Victorious in the karaoke episode and IT WAS THAT SONG
And now they're playing another song from Victorious I'm low-key dying. Not sure what I'm feeling, but it's very strong

Deleted user

I got a haircut
I am oof

Do you like said haircut? And can I see pictures?

Yes I want pictures

Well I didn't, but I restyled it and now I think I do
If I show pictures, y'all better tell me if it doesn't look good

Deleted user

Photo deleted because I hate myself

yeah I'm in my bed mothertruckers it's freezing here in Wisconsin


…how do i tell her this?

Just like that. Sit her down, look her in the eyes, and say what you just said. Sometimes parents will only start to truly listen when you show them a side of you that they've never seen before. They need to see you serious, and hurting. If they care for you at all, they would be able to see just how much pain you're going through, and be prompted to do something about it. Parents who care don't like seeing their child suffer, and will do what parents do best; try to help you.

Thank you so much, fren <3<3<3

Glad to have helped our resident muffin <3

@Anemone eco

I've been hit with a wave of depression and I want to die.

I'm trying my best to put what I'm thinking into kind words because my initial reaction made me sound like an ass

I suppose all I can say is that I'm here for you. I can't say I understand what you're going through because it's different for everybody, but I can support you through this. There's no need to throw away your life. You're worth a lot and you should know that. Don't let people's unkind words hurt you or a little argument get you down. You're going to go places in life and success is in your future. You just have to live to see it.

@HighPockets group

Photo deleted because I hate myself

yeah I'm in my bed mothertruckers it's freezing here in Wisconsin

And there's gonna be MORE SNOW tomorrow, YAY! :/
My bed's against the wall and it's cold as h e c c-

Deleted user

Photo deleted because I hate myself

yeah I'm in my bed mothertruckers it's freezing here in Wisconsin

And there's gonna be MORE SNOW tomorrow, YAY! :/
My bed's against the wall and it's cold as h e c c-

Mine too!!!!
My mom always jokes that it's a nest because when I'm in it, I genuinely can't tell what is me and what is blanket–

w I s c o n s I n

Deleted user

Me: Is mad at my mom, doesn't say goodnight as to not start another argument this late
Her: Wow. You have some nerve.
Me: What? Moment of realization Because I didn't say goodnight?
Her: Yep.
Me: Goodnight, mom.
Her: Wow. Such a rude girl.

Am I insane or–


No problem
Also, apologies for not being on today. I was at church and then I played pokemon sword for several hours


I'm also really bad at giving advice lmao
Like, everyone else here is super sympathetic and actually giving other people advice on how to deal with problems
And I'm just like "fuck her she sounds like a stupid bitch"