forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

Hi I got some lit ass rant right here. It’s super personal so like, prepare yourself.

I was just over at Nate’s, and had a great time.

I stayed until 10PM EST. Right?

Which somehow made my mother assume Nate and I were doing something funky, despite the fact that we were literally just stargazing and cuddling.

Then she has the absolute audacity to suggest birth control. Nay, not suggest, push onto me.

News flash, by the way: I’m ace. Nate and I were also mature enough to talk about where we are with that, and another flash, it won’t be for an incredibly long time (like, depending on where we go, if ever).

The birth control thing just flat out offended me.

You think I’m immature enough to not consider what will happen to my life if that happens? I’m not mature enough to talk about how I feel about Nate and where I want our relationship to be?

I mean, it was a five minute ride and it ruined almost eight straight hours of heaven.

Fuck off.

Deleted user

Thanks Al. I’ll post stories and stuff on the other thread for you, too. Nate called me and we talked about it more seriously, so I feel a bit better.

Deleted user

It's one thing to suggest birth control if you have a reason to think your child is sexually active, but you two were just together in the evening??

Deleted user

I–I honestly don't know why you're upset Emi….?
You're mom doesn't know that you are Ace right? So naturally she would just assume that eventually you and Nate are going to get into some hanky panky. She just wants you to be safe and responsible. It's her job to do so. Not to mention that you're at an age where birth control is beneficial for a multitude of reasons.

Im just saying but (shrug) I guess its another thing to get upset at your parents about.

@Pickles group

I think that's better than giving you a lecture on not having sex until marriage or forbidding you to hang out with him. I mean, I get you're upset that she jumped to that conclusion, but that's what most parents do


i hate to have to throw my problems at you guys yet again but i really need advice.

i think i need to talk to my mom one last time about getting help, but i don’t know what to say-

by trying not to scare my parents before, i ended up watering everything down, which is probably why they brushed it off so quickly…

so how do i convey to her the seriousness of the situation without sounding overly dramatic or angsty?
even if there’s not any severe mental illness behind it, there’s something wrong somewhere and it’s hurting me.
i can’t think properly, haven’t been able to for almost a year now
my memories are twisted, my arms are bruised
i can’t feel safe around people
i’ve had frequent thoughts of suicide
i cry at every little thing
and that’s just the beginning

this isn’t just “i’m sad” anymore. those rosary prayers and essential oils aren’t cutting it, i’ve done everything i can, and i have no where else to go…
i need help.
i want to be my happy self again, i want to be able to smile and help others instead of constantly dragging them down with my problems-

…how do i tell her this?


I'mma rant about something that made my father cry yesterday.

So, when my mother was with us, we would go out into the forest and make little forts in various places (B-Fort in Bones Flat, C-Fort on Coyote Hill, D-Fort on a deserted logging trail, F-Fort near a forked road, and the Summit-Fort). These things were my childhood; building them, playing in them, fortifying them, cleaning them. We made sure to only build them with natural materials of the forest and leave no trash behind. We made specialized firepits so we could enjoy them in the winter, then put out the fire and cover up the pit so it wouldn't be bogged with snow.

I have so many memories with my family in these places. I learned how to leave and follow a hidden trail guided by sticks, I learned how to whistle only using the husk of an acorn, I learned what plants I could eat and what plants I probably shouldn't eat, I learned how to whittle, I learned the fastest way to start a fire, I learned how to climb trees with no low-hanging limbs, I learned how to throw unbalanced objects with accuracy, I learned how to ride a mountain bike, I learned how to spot landmarks, I learned how to tell the time, I learned how to catch lizards, snakes, and bugs alike. I learned how to throw a frisbee (always at an angle though) and a football. I learned to enjoy myself and make a safe place in an unforgiving world.

When she passed, we forgot about the forts. That is, until recently. My father was riding his bike, and he decided to check up on the C-Fort.

It was destroyed.

The area was logged, and the fort was desecrated, the sticks scattered everywhere and the firepit was left half-gone. One of the trees the fort was anchored on was cut down.

Of course they had to kick us while we were down.

And yes I understand it's not our property, and they had every right to do so, but that doesn't make it hurt any less. We weren't harming anything by it either, we left behind no trash or junk. Even wildlife took advantage of the forts, using them for shelter during bad weather (I know this because there were increased scats around the forts and we did have to chase a young mountain lion out of the Summit Fort).

So my father broke down. I can only imagine how he felt seeing it destoryed in person compared to me learning about it from him this morning.

So yeah, my day isn't going great to say the least.


…how do i tell her this?

Just like that. Sit her down, look her in the eyes, and say what you just said. Sometimes parents will only start to truly listen when you show them a side of you that they've never seen before. They need to see you serious, and hurting. If they care for you at all, they would be able to see just how much pain you're going through, and be prompted to do something about it. Parents who care don't like seeing their child suffer, and will do what parents do best; try to help you.

@Anemone eco

I don't have books at all.

It was on this day that what was left of Pickles's heart broke altogether

Lmao. I just don't have time to read. So I don't want to waste my time and money on books I know I won't get to read.

@Pickles group

I don't have books at all.

It was on this day that what was left of Pickles's heart broke altogether

Lmao. I just don't have time to read. So I don't want to waste my time and money on books I know I won't get to read.

The shattered fragments of her heart broke even more

@HighPockets group

I don't have books at all.

It was on this day that what was left of Pickles's heart broke altogether

Lmao. I just don't have time to read. So I don't want to waste my time and money on books I know I won't get to read.

The shattered fragments of her heart broke even more

Imagine having a heart.

Deleted user

someone please remind me that murdering my mom will not get me anywhere

@Anemone eco

Actually, murdering your mom will get you somewhere. Prison. It's all a matter of if you think it's worth the price and the potential regret.

Deleted user

She's so petty!!!!
Like, I pissed her off by saying "hey, I really need a haircut, could we try to do that today?" and so now she's all upset and was talking about the lamp I got from Ikea yesterday, and was suddenly like "maybe I'll keep it." Like, no you won't???? I got it specifically for my reading corner, and you approved it and said "oh, that'll look great there!" What the fuck?????

@Anemone eco

Parents are like that. Rather, people are like that. They get upset over small shit and turn it into a big deal. There's not much you can do about it. People get hurt, people do stupid shit, people regret stuff. It's just human nature. There's no point in getting upset over someone else's stupidity for it will get you nowhere except for in an argument that I'm pretty sure that you're not looking to get into.