forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

steal that bitch

prove that she’s worth waiting for by being patient and kind

This one also maybe consider the fact that she's a junior and in a real different place in her life even though it might not seem like it

Yeah, which is why I'm going to wait and my friends are going to kill me because I'm being "self-destructive"

Waiting, being a decent human being, and not forcing yourself on someone is not "being self-destructive"

They're gonna say it is because I'm only going to hurt more when she never comes back around to me… it's not fair! My friends all have perfect relationships and perfect looks and perfect talents… I want to be like that! I try so hard, sometimes I don't try at all, but nothing works! Life is bullshit and I want to find a way out.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

This is gonna be blunt, so please don't take offense.

  1. Don't compare yourself to anyone else because you are awesome in your own unique way and anyone who cannot see or understand that is a fool.
  2. If you're jealous of someone else, that's okay. But don't let it control you, or start to become a self comparison. You can use it as a goal-setter in some cases, (ie. X person in gym can do something I can't and I wanna be able to do that someday, (Weights, stamina, ect.)) But KEEP IT REASONABLE. Don't be jealous because someone has an eye color or hair type different than yours. That's just genetics, and you should be proud of what you have.

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

This is gonna be blunt, so please don't take offense.

  1. Don't compare yourself to anyone else because you are awesome in your own unique way and anyone who cannot see or understand that is a fool.
  2. If you're jealous of someone else, that's okay. But don't let it control you, or start to become a self comparison. You can use it as a goal-setter in some cases, (ie. X person in gym can do something I can't and I wanna be able to do that someday, (Weights, stamina, ect.)) But KEEP IT REASONABLE. Don't be jealous because someone has an eye color or hair type different than yours. That's just genetics, and you should be proud of what you have.

Mostly, I love being me. When it comes to emotions and stuff… it's just awful. I'm a mess. Usually I don't feel anything, then I get one really intense emotion that takes me (like my feelings for her) and nothing else feels the same. It's like I only get to see the world in one color, and then I do something and that color shifts. I miss seeing the world through love… now I have to stare blankly through sadness.

@Pickles group

They aren't perfect. They want people to think that, but trust me they aren't. I'd hardly describe ANY high school relationship as anywhere close to perfect.

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

No. this happened last time too… but kinda different. I was talking to this girl and she left me hangin for some other girl… I always get hurt. I've liked her for so much longer than she knows and I can't stop crying. I have to see her tomorrow, and I really don't want her to see me crying.

@HighPockets group

Depends on the relationship I'm already in. It's unhealthy to cling to the idea of having a relationship with someone if they're happy with someone else, that's making it awful for both of you. Knowing someone for a long time does not mean you deserve them or are entitled to them, and they are 100% allowed to have their own relationships that you're not part of.


Personally that's throwing up red flags to me as either manipulative behavior, or she just can't make up her mind as to what to do with these feelings of hers. She could also be secretly poly but her s/o isn't okay with it, and that situation is kind of a long shot anyways.

Either way, tread lightly dude. The ones you give your heart to are also the ones most capable of breaking it.

@HighPockets group

My teacher had my entire class watch the dinner party episode from The Office today.
It wasn't that bad?? I expected it to be cringier based on what I'd heard.


On an unrelated note my parents have made multiple sad comments lately about how they failed to raise their children because I’m starting to become more and more like my older sister and I’m not hurt by overhearing this in any way, not at all

@The-Magician group

On an unrelated note my parents have made multiple sad comments lately about how they failed to raise their children because I’m starting to become more and more like my older sister and I’m not hurt by overhearing this in any way, not at all

What’s bad about your older sister?

@Echo_6 group

Okay, angry rant time, sorry guys.

Dear Fire Chief,
The past two weeks have been the most stressful of my life because of the testing we've been doing. All these medical tests so that I can get my EMR certification. And while they have been the most stressful because I only have one chance to pass, and if I fail one that's I'm done I fail the course, thus far I have passed all of them. Now what I want to know is this. If this is for my EMR certification….. WHY ARE WE DOING EMT TESTING??!!! That is an entire level above what I am trying to get. Of the thirteen tests that we have done, only two, two, are EMR level tests. But am I going to get my EMT certification? NO!! Why? I have no idea. And not only that but this is a high school class and you are treating us like we're in college. And I get it, we have to be more mature than usual because of the class, but we are not adults yet. And please for the love of god stop making everything twice as hard as it needs to be. The other medical personnel of the station, who went to academy, have even said that they never had to do this kind of stuff until they were taking the higher level courses. We aren't taking the higher level courses. We signed up for this class to get basic medical training. Not the high level medical training. So stop it!
Sincerely a very pissed off Rachel.

Deleted user

Bohemian Rhapsody.

What an answer.

I do that.

You do.

As one does

@saor_illust school

Hi… I'm not back… but I need to leave this here, simply because it'll make me feel better that I'm not just holding everything in and that someday I'll burst with all of this… (Keep in mind that I'm referencing @qinniart from Instagram in this short letter.)

Dear Qinni,

It's been twelve days since you passed. And while I may not have known you well at all, nor have I interacted much with you at all, I still treasure you. I still keep in mind that you were a great artist. Qinni, you didn't deserve to leave this world yet. You should've been able to lead a healthy life, free of heart problems and free of cancer. Alas, it seems that Life had different plans in store. You should've been able to keep drawing, free of pain and free of everything that threatened your health. I'm sorry you had to go this way, but thank you. Thank you for everything you did. Thank you for being strong and letting us know when you weren't feeling good, but still trying your best to be happy. Thank you for inspiring us to do our best, always. Thank you for inspiring us to always push forward, even when we're feeling down. Thank you for showing us your talent, and thank you for continuously fighting against your illnesses, and for inspiring us to fight against our own battles, whether they be against cancer, depression, or something else. Thank you for everything, Qinni. You will be dearly missed. And most of all, I hope that you will be able to draw, paint, or do whatever you feel like doing now. I hope that now that you have passed, you will no longer feel the pain that your illnesses have caused. That you will no longer feel completely drained at times, and depressed at other times. I hope that you will find peace now, that you can rest easy knowing that you did everything you could. I've said it twice already, and I will say it again. Thank you for everything Qinni. We'll miss you.

-Izzy <3