forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

@saor_illust school

and dice, i would suggest just doing whatever you can to be there for them, and perhaps if they're okay with it, tell your other friends about it so that you're not the only one in your friend group who has to bear this burden, and feeling useless. trust me, i know that feeling, and it's not great.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Oh yeah and if you need to leave for a bit, go ahead. But you will be missed. For me because you try to brighten the place up. I appreciate that.

y-you'll miss me? i realize that others will, simply because we call each other friends, but you and i, we were never exactly close, and that- i feel honoured by that, thank you dom…

Oh yes. I realize we are not really friends. And I am fine with that. But I see what you do to uphold and better the community. And I respect anyone who tries to do such a thing. Anyone who attempts to bring a bit of light to this dark world is a soul that should be honored. At least a little bit.

Deleted user

ufgghhhhhhh ewww

at least it didn’t directly affect you

but it still could’ve which is h e l l a scary

honestly charges of child sex trafficking and creating child pornography should be a crime punishable by death

Deleted user

I have just gotten extremely annoyed with my mother and somehow that led me into a depressive episode???? I don't know what's happening today but it's honestly the worst

Deleted user

There's songs for breakups… but what do I listen to when my crush thinks I'm gorgeous, but is seeing someone?

Love-Sadkid for anything romantic ever