forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@saor_illust school

How many of us have made bad life decisions? -raises hand-

-shyly raises all fifty non-existent hands, representing all fifty or so bad life decisions i've made-

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

How many of us have made bad life decisions? -raises hand-

-shyly raises all fifty non-existent hands, representing all fifty or so bad life decisions i've made-

Reluctantly raises hand
My entire life is a bad decision.

Deleted user

How many of us have made bad life decisions? -raises hand-

-shyly raises all fifty non-existent hands, representing all fifty or so bad life decisions i've made-

Reluctantly raises hand
My entire life is a bad decision.


@saor_illust school

guys- i don't know what to believe anymore
for all i know, half of you guys are fifty year olds who are looking for an online relationship. not that i'm saying any of you actually are fifty year olds looking for an online relationship, but… i don't really know any of you. and i'm a heavy believer in the fact that the only way to really truly get to know someone is by being around them. seeing all of their quirks, hanging out with them, slowly learning their tastes, and all that. let's take eris for an example. i mean, i know what eris looks like, and i know what her voice sounds like, and when she talks on notebook, i can just see the classic eris personality we all know, but- i don't really know her. sure, i can tell that she really likes japanese food, and i can name two or three of her friends here on notebook, but do i know what she likes to do for fun? no. and it's not that i haven't made an effort to get to know her well, partially, it is, but that's besides the point, but the fact that it's online. and not many people are willing to give out their entire life to basically complete strangers.

and truly, i'm starting to question everything i ever thought was concrete knowledge that relates to online people and friends. like, am i really supposed to just blindly believe everything everyone says? well, obviously, not, but that's almost exactly what i've been doing. and i feel used, even though it isn't anyone else's fault, but mine. i'm mad at myself, for just letting this happen. but most of all, i'm starting to question if i really even have friends on here. sure, we shower affection at each other, but there's no way of knowing for a fact that the affection is actually real. i mean, i can say that i really like having, say, ella as a friend, (and i really do) but i can't tell that for a fact she actually does like having me as a friend too. and it really hurts me. i want so badly to just push these thoughts aside and go back to being ignorant, but now that the thought train has taken off, i physically can't stop. i can't just ignore this. this is real, and this is me. i don't even know what to do anymore… i'm just so lost. i might have to take a hiatus from notebook, but i just don't know…

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

What a good statement. Not exactly pleasant, but I'm glad you thought of it.
But now I better put something good here.
But you can trust some. Like Nutella. Each one of use who has a Presence has shared enough about themselves that someone could get a read on them and based on that answer most questions.


Okay, so I have this friend who's been feeling kinda sad lately, and I don't really know what to do. They haven't been smiling as much as they used to, and I'm the only one that notices, I think. They smile when someone's looking, and act like they're okay, but I talked to them and they're not. They think that we (my friends and I) don't really care about them. And I don't know what to do. I want to help them, but I just don't know how. Do you know some way I could help them?

@saor_illust school

Oh yeah and if you need to leave for a bit, go ahead. But you will be missed. For me because you try to brighten the place up. I appreciate that.

y-you'll miss me? i realize that others will, simply because we call each other friends, but you and i, we were never exactly close, and that- i feel honoured by that, thank you dom…

@Pickles group

Reassure them that you do care, but not just with your words. Try to include them in things, like let them talk about things they like, invite them places, etc. Laugh at their jokes if they make any, try to get them to laugh, try to get rid of the "haha I hate you" kind of jokes and stuff like that

I feel like that a lot but I don't think any of my friends really notice. I have one friend that sometimes asks what's wrong for a solid five minutes and that doesn't really help