forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

well, it could be worse
you could be trying to sue someone but end up serving papers to the wrong chris hansen


I understood that reference.

We know


Me: cozy, tired, ready to close my eyes and get some sleep after a long day
Brain: You’re vulnerable
Me: huh?
Brain: They’re coming for you
Me: who’s they
Brain: They’re going to hurt you
Me: how
Brain: You’re going to die, Ella
Me: wh-
Brain: The only way to save yourself is to remove your own internal organs with a kitchen knife
Me: what the fuck
Brain: it’s a parasite
Me: what is?
Brain: all of it
Me: what
Brain: you have to take action
Me: why?
Brain: you can’t procrastinate any longer
Me: -?
Brain: kill it
kill it
kill it
kill it
kill it
kill it
kill it

K̸̛̯̮̭̹͙͉̹̫̦̭͙͒͌̽͒̅̕͠I̶̛̳̽͌͆̓̉L̴̡̛̩̞̤̞͛̽͊̈̆̅Ĺ̴̨̰̙̜̣̲͇͓̱̱̝̓͠ ̸̢̛̭͉͕̬̳͔̣̻̣̠̆̌̂͌̇̏̌̈́͛͊́͂͐̕ͅI̴̧̗̭͍͛͜T̴͖̩͖̤̳̖̯̯̬͉̗̿͆̉̐̽̾̐̐̇

why do you do this to me

Deleted user

I can't get together with my best friends today because I'm in MN and I'm honestly so scared they're going to get super close without me

@HighPockets group

I can't get together with my best friends today because I'm in MN and I'm honestly so scared they're going to get super close without me

Where are you?

Deleted user

I can't get together with my best friends today because I'm in MN and I'm honestly so scared they're going to get super close without me

Where are you?


@HighPockets group

I can't get together with my best friends today because I'm in MN and I'm honestly so scared they're going to get super close without me

Where are you?


But where in Minnesota? I usually just go to Winona (<3) and Buffalo

Deleted user

I can't get together with my best friends today because I'm in MN and I'm honestly so scared they're going to get super close without me

Where are you?


But where in Minnesota? I usually just go to Winona (<3) and Buffalo

lmao I'm an idiot, I'm on my way to Ikea lmao

Ikea is where the gods live

@HighPockets group

I can't get together with my best friends today because I'm in MN and I'm honestly so scared they're going to get super close without me

Where are you?


But where in Minnesota? I usually just go to Winona (<3) and Buffalo

lmao I'm an idiot, I'm on my way to Ikea lmao

Ikea is where the gods live

K but you should also go to MoA since it's so close, check out the Lush store!

@Pickles group

Am I at Barnes and Noble? Yes. Do I have $44 of books in my arms? Yes. Am I following my sister around while she looks for an actual book because for half an hour all she looked at was art supplies? Yes. Us it ironic because she's usually the one that gets four books? Yes. Am I ecstatic anyways? Abso-fucking-lutely

Their new releases shelf was pretty small and I'm kind of upset about that but it's okay

@Moxie group

hi, i'm not back. imma just say this and then imma leave again-

moxie go to bed
if you go to sleep i'll sleep too
(also has busy day tomorrow, and ig we're in the same timezone)

See I could go to bed…
And it’s almost midnight and I have a busy day tomorrow and I should …
But do I want to?

Go to bed.

Update: I went to bed


I have good news and bad news

The bad news is my grandma’s moving for the first time since I was born
It’s not really bad news, she’s moving to her dream home in a better area which just happens to be 5 minutes closer to us, but I know I’m going to miss that old place-
A lot of my favorite memories involve that stupid little home so having to say goodbye…
I just don’t want to think about it

But the good news is, since she’ll be so much closer, she said she might be able to help teach us all the things my mom doesn’t have the time for-
We might finally be getting some sort of education soon…
I’m so happy-

@Pickles group

I want more books. By myself and without long-ass series which are no longer in my room, I have a little more than one shelf of books. Like, a single row

@Moxie group

I have good news and bad news

The bad news is my grandma’s moving for the first time since I was born
It’s not really bad news, she’s moving to her dream home in a better area which just happens to be 5 minutes closer to us, but I know I’m going to miss that old place-
A lot of my favorite memories involve that stupid little home so having to say goodbye to it-
I just don’t want to think about it

But the good news is, since she’ll be so much closer, she said she might be able to help teach us all the things my mom doesn’t have the time for-
We might finally be getting some sort of education soon…
I’m so happy-

Omg dude that’s amazing

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

hi, i'm not back. imma just say this and then imma leave again-

moxie go to bed
if you go to sleep i'll sleep too
(also has busy day tomorrow, and ig we're in the same timezone)

See I could go to bed…
And it’s almost midnight and I have a busy day tomorrow and I should …
But do I want to?

Go to bed.

Update: I went to bed

Good. So did I.

@HighPockets group

I want more books. By myself and without long-ass series which are no longer in my room, I have a little more than one shelf of books. Like, a single row

Except I got new shelves so I have room now.


i don't even have one row of books and that makes me sad
the only books i have in my room are my dad's business-related books simply because they're thicc and i can press flower petals with them
oh, and watercolor sketchbooks


on another note i may or may not have just spent the last week or more on this one drawing only to look at it now and realize it's so horribly off that it physically cannot be fixed

i'm gonna go cry now

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

i don't even have one row of books and that makes me sad
the only books i have in my room are my dad's business-related books simply because they're thicc and i can press flower petals with them
oh, and watercolor sketchbooks

I have just sketchbooks and notebooks taking up one 18 inch shelf, and then books taking up another one. I have 20 notebooks and half of them are full of my awful, gay ass poetry

@Anemone eco

on another note i may or may not have just spent the last week or more on this one drawing only to look at it now and realize it's so horribly off that it physically cannot be fixed

i'm gonna go cry now

That sucks, Ella. It's alright though. You're still awesome.