forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Hi, smol vent here
I'm hella busy today, and guess what I spent from 7 am to noon doing today:
Working on a stupid fan-fic and watching yt.
What did I have time for today? Not this stuff.
I wouldn't even mind so much, but I'm busy with stuff I want to do, and I was super excited to be productive today, so like???
ANyways, imma go walk my dog now, and then try and get it back together.

@TeamMezzo group

i hate dysphoria
and the rat dissection and i don't feel like talking but everyone depends on me and i bascially run the damn grade so that's how i'm doing


My French teacher forced my friend to put her homework up on the board for the class to comment on and she was crying and breaking down but he didn't let her back down and she was crying in front of the class and she had to go to the counselor afterwards and I'm really really mad about this

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

My French teacher forced my friend to put her homework up on the board for the class to comment on and she was crying and breaking down but he didn't let her back down and she was crying in front of the class and she had to go to the counselor afterwards and I'm really really mad about this



My French teacher forced my friend to put her homework up on the board for the class to comment on and she was crying and breaking down but he didn't let her back down and she was crying in front of the class and she had to go to the counselor afterwards and I'm really really mad about this



Hi, new to the chat here but a quick vent.

So I'm currently sitting in a dark room in my school connected to our library because we've been in a lockdown for the past 40 minutes from a fight that broke out between students. How do I know this? It all started literally right behind me back when I was in my classroom before our teacher told us to get to the library. It then seemed to proceed down the hallways and now we're here. I'm shaken, tired, annoyed, and frankly just want to go home despite having jazz practice "afterschool."

Update: We've been freed from the dark room into the library. Still in lockdown until school gets out. This is stupid and sucks.


  2. I UNDERSTAND THE STRUGGLE OF BEING BUSY BUT NOT BEING FOCUSED ENOUGH TO DO YOUR CRAP (cough cough I have a test and a presentation tomorrow that I have to study for and finish and I have more tests on Monday and Tuesday so idk what I'm doing on HERE cough cough)
    Friend A, B, and C are not on good terms. It was originally just Friend A and B having an argument (idk what) but Friend A asked Friend C to pick a side and Friend C picked Friend B's side bc Fried c was mad Friend A made Friend C pick a side when Friend C wanted to be friends with both and overall neutral.
    Friend A has some issues with depression and anxiety so Friend A was having a breakdown bc Friend A was losing friends outside of the lunchroom during Friend A's class while I was unaware, having lunch WITH Friend C.
    Then Friend D (super protective) steps in and when Friend D is comforting Friend A, Friend A told the story so Friend D came into the lunchroom, found us, slapped Friend C, and walked away. Leaving me very confused.
    Friend C tells me what happened and Friend C's side of the story (Friend C didn't want to be friends if Friend A was going to make Friend C choose like that) and I'm anxious for the rest of lunch.
    Lunch gets out and Friend A is still crying so I run to Friend A and comfort her along with Friend D (I'm can't be mad at anyone ever and I'm always neutral in everything) and we talk a bit until I have to go get a pass to my next class so Friend A and D can go to lunch.
    I walk into class and Friend E immediately notices something is up bc I'm obviously stressed and Friend E is really caring and knows everyone involved. I tell Friend E about it a bit later in class and end up almost crying telling the story but Friend E just comforts me and didn't have all that much advice.
    I'm still good with everyone involved and I talked to all of them after (not neccesarily about this but still). Any advice on how to help everyone make up and/or just help the situation in general?


Hi, new to the chat here but a quick vent.

So I'm currently sitting in a dark room in my school connected to our library because we've been in a lockdown for the past 40 minutes from a fight that broke out between students. How do I know this? It all started literally right behind me back when I was in my classroom before our teacher told us to get to the library. It then seemed to proceed down the hallways and now we're here. I'm shaken, tired, annoyed, and frankly just want to go home despite having jazz practice "afterschool."

Update: We've been freed from the dark room into the library. Still in lockdown until school gets out. This is stupid and sucks.

You had a full on lockdown because of a fight? Must've been pretty serious for a LOCKDOWN!


Yeah. Guess some girl had a gun as well? Police had to get involved, but we went into lockdown before the gun threat was made I'm pretty sure.

It was like an entire gang of kids against this one girl who has beef with one of the guys. Hair was everywhere in the classroom when the girl got jumped.


Yikes. We had a WHOLE LOT OF fights last year in my school but none of them were that bad. We did have a couple bomb threats we had to go into lockdown for though. (But also… if there's a bomb in the school… and we're sure no one is outside the school… WHY ARE WE STUCK INSIDE)


M is upset bc she was walking to the cafeteria but started having an asthma attack so she put her stuff in a 7th grade room and went to get her inhaler, the teacher is askin where she going but she can't answer bc she can't breathe, she gets her inhaler, goes down to move her stuff from the seventh grade room and tries to go to the student council meeting she has to be at but the teacher comes down the hall with the student council leader (m's history teacher) and they basically yell at her and say that if things like this keep happening she can't be on student council anymore