forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

My Satan's Waterfall started a day early so that means that on the day I see my boyfriend,which is today, the second day of my lady week, I have my worst flow and worst cramps and like his mom wants us to go do stuff but like walking HURTS I can also feel it shedding and it's super weird and I just want snuggles.

I feel you…

Deleted user

1: I’m willing to punch them as well
2: I’m doing absolutely terrible, you?

im doing okay i guess

but does anyone know what to say to your love interest when they feel "numb" because oof

Deleted user

1: I’m willing to punch them as well
2: I’m doing absolutely terrible, you?

im doing okay i guess

but does anyone know what to say to your love interest when they feel "numb" because oof

Nope. I don’t. Sorry…

Deleted user

1: I’m willing to punch them as well
2: I’m doing absolutely terrible, you?

im doing okay i guess

but does anyone know what to say to your love interest when they feel "numb" because oof

Nope. I don’t. Sorry…

I can suggest a bunch of bad sex flirts but other then that. No. Just. Be there and support them. Don't drop the bomb yet. Maybe it'll Kindle some sort of love between you two all on its own.

Deleted user

1: I’m willing to punch them as well
2: I’m doing absolutely terrible, you?

im doing okay i guess

but does anyone know what to say to your love interest when they feel "numb" because oof

Nope. I don’t. Sorry…

I can suggest a bunch of bad sex flirts but other then that. No. Just. Be there and support them. Don't drop the bomb yet. Maybe it'll Kindle some sort of love between you two all on its own.


Deleted user

"That's the thing, even if you hug me. I won't feel anything. I won't feel sadness or joy. I'm not hungry. I'm not happy, I'm not sad. Just nothingness. "
this is what she just sent and i'm worried about her, i really like her and i don't want her to feel like this

Deleted user

To be honest, I was like that after I attempted… the thing that most know about. I haven’t felt emotions, but when everyone started helping, others giving hugs, it broke the chains holding me from happiness. My mom gave me communication with my friends, my friends cheered me up.

Deleted user

Okay that's low key adorable but I completely agree with Shuri.


Hey Kota, you did good under those circumstances, and if you want to tell me about it more in depth the PMs are open.

Also, to the person above talking abt their S.O. I forgot to ask…
Is there any way you can convince her to see a professional about that?


Y’all wanna know why?


Ok well basically I had to create this account in secret because I swear if I have just one social media she'll yell at me. Like I wanted to talk to my friend outside of school (kylee) cuz’ I cant see her unless my mom has her parents numbers, like nobody does that anymore. I’m 14 I’m going to be an adult in 4 years she needs to treat me like it instead of treating me like a 12y/o. I can’t ask her if can join Anime club cuz’ wouldn’t believe me. So, yah, I’m pissed.

Deleted user

Wait a mmmt you go to SHS?

PM me for just a moment I need to investigate this

@HighPockets group

Wait a mmmt you go to SHS?

PM me for just a moment I need to investigate this

Bruh that's the initials of my old school so it yeeted me back to 2018 lol