forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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@Pickles group

I know there's a happy venting space but I don't want to find it so
Fall band awards are in 20 minutes and I did my makeup and kind of hair and I'm wearing a sweater and I think my makeup looks good and I feel like a queen

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

I know there's a happy venting space but I don't want to find it so
Fall band awards are in 20 minutes and I did my makeup and kind of hair and I'm wearing a sweater and I think my makeup looks good and I feel like a queen

You are a queen, don't let anyone tell you anything different.

Deleted user

Yo, Miriam is back.
Lately I've just not been doing well.
Everything is happening at once.
No one lets me explain anything, which leads to a lot of misunderstandings.
All my teachers are on my back 24/7
I know, that paper is late, but if you knew how busy I have been just trying to avoid mental breakdowns you would understand
God, sometimes I just hate life

Deleted user

so does ruby sometimes, hence why they are taking a break from fronting. - unknown

Deleted user

Are you close with any of your teachers or like any of your teachers a lot or just know of a really caring teacher in your school?

Absolutely not. They all kind of hate me

If so you should tell them about school stress and then their job is literally to help you with that. I hadn't really realized this before today actually but there is this one teacher in my school (the choir teacher of them all) that is like the therapist teacher. She knows about a lot of kids problems bc they just tell her.

The only one I would consider talking to is the school counselor, but she always calls my mom even though I ask her not to and basically tells her I'm crazy.

Deleted user


so, ruby has a science assignment due tonight, and my gay ass knows nothing about science, and we have to go to work soon so i need halp!

– blake


so uh I basically dropped off this site for a couple months and have been debating coming back because I sort of miss it
I'm going home early from exchange because apparently if I didn't choose to leave myself they were gonna send me home early for mental health reasons, probably the stress being too much for me. so idk guess I'm rejoining the forums w a small vent lmao

Deleted user

so uh I basically dropped off this site for a couple months and have been debating coming back because I sort of miss it
I'm going home early from exchange because apparently if I didn't choose to leave myself they were gonna send me home early for mental health reasons, probably the stress being too much for me. so idk guess I'm rejoining the forums w a small vent lmao

lol I did that as well. I left during summer for the drama heavy chats, then came back. I never deleted my account cause I’m lazy.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Oh my god I hate my dad. I have- so much it rant about. I'll do one at a time in order of happening because fuck my life

Last night, because of reasons, I finally managed to get my mother to understand that I am super sensitive when it comes to people touching me, and that when they poke me it fucking hurts. My mom finally understands, so she says she'll tell my dad and make sure they don't do it anymore. So, I go downstairs to do my chores, and when I get upstairs, my dad's home. He calls me over (note I've been crying because of other things) and he proceeds to poke me and it hurts and he's making it a joke. Like, dude, what the fuck. Even my mom is trying to get him to stop, and we're both getting pissed at him, and I'm crying again, and all in all I hate him.

(more to come later about what happened this morning once I've calmed down enough)

Deleted user

i feel like punching a few people in the face, how is everyone else's day so far

Deleted user

My Satan's Waterfall started a day early so that means that on the day I see my boyfriend,which is today, the second day of my lady week, I have my worst flow and worst cramps and like his mom wants us to go do stuff but like walking HURTS I can also feel it shedding and it's super weird and I just want snuggles.