forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

My aesthetic is slipping on some bulky headphones, it's pretty dark with the sun just about to finish setting. You see me sitting on an old swing, not swinging, just sitting there. You see me staring into the distance and then, you see nothing.
Am I okay? No. I am crying. Do I know why? No.
I think I was dissociating? I deff had some sort of flashback but I can't really remember it. But all I can think about now is water filling up my throat and it being salty. I wasn't able to breath and I really can't now.

Deleted user

It was probably just a flashback to the time I almost drowned y'all. I don't think it's that drastic.

Deleted user

Yeah, the only trauma I remember.
But just found out that your boi actually does dissociate so there might be more to that.


You know you've peaked in life when your sitting at home and eating ramen for dinner at home doing nothing because all of your other friends and even your brother has plans and stuffs and you're just like welp guess I'll be in my room now.


You know you've peaked in life when your sitting at home and eating ramen for dinner at home doing nothing because all of your other friends and even your brother has plans and stuffs and you're just like welp guess I'll be in my room now.

This is the biggest mood

Deleted user

I have random worries about stuff I shouldn't be worried about and I sorta broke down crying in my boyfriends arms and just AUUUUGH. on the upside I haven't had a mental breakdown in 2 weeks if not more, on the downside that means that when I DO have them they're gonna be really bad and just…AUGH I'm pissed and worried and sad and it's all pointless stupid stuff but it's THERE and WHY is my head such an asshole why are my boyfriends PARENTS such assholes why can't I and WE be left alone??? I mean I know why but let us gain some TRUST


Don't worry girl! It can all get better. I get what you mean about random worries and fears that I don't need to be afraid about (I get social anxiety often) and I get what you mean about your head being an asshole (every once in a while I get random depressing moods and it's like wtf brain). What I'm assuming about the whole can't be left alone thing is you guys can't be alone in a room or the house together, so maybe try (if you both have apple phones) FaceTiming (and if you guys don't) just calling each other in general so ya'll can talk alone and for FT still see each other. I would suggest confiding in someone in your personal life (probably your bf) about your mental issues and talk through everytime a breakdown happens. It really helps me to talk to this one person I'm really close to whenever I'm feeling real down/bad.

Deleted user

See I've done all that. We. Are not virgins. His mom found out and he leads a busy life. We've been banned from face timing eachother but we constantly text and call. Last night crying in his arms felt good. I felt safe. But I'm still worried. And just really tired a lot. I didn't want to really get our of bed this morning but I did. Mostly cause I'm hungry.