forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

Also, does anyone else's parents always make yo go out and do stuff when you're feeling really self-conscious and when you really don't want to do anything? Because I swear my parents always want to go out to eat or go out for a movie the days I just want to do anything but go outside.

I know, right? That always happens to me. I just want to sit inside and my dad's all like "LeT's Go SeE a MoViE!"

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I was gonna vent about how Lifetime/Hallmark Christmas movies all have the same basic Christmas love story formula, but my phone malfunctioned and erased what I had typed out! Now I'm ticked off because of it!!!!!

Deleted user

My mom is eating lunch with my brother without me and refusing to take me to my mandatory NaNoWriMo meeting because I'm bisexual and atheist

@Pickles group

Do you guys ever feel like you have to make everyone happy but you're so bad at it and you have so much to do and you don't want to do any of it and you don't know what to do anymore and literally anything is going to send you into a fit of tears but you know that your problems are nothing compared to literally everyone else's


Do you guys ever feel like you have to make everyone happy but you're so bad at it and you have so much to do and you don't want to do any of it and you don't know what to do anymore and literally anything is going to send you into a fit of tears but you know that your problems are nothing compared to literally everyone else's

Sometimes we have to focus on ourselves so that we can continue to do this for others in the long-term, and it sucks ass but it's a fact of life.
(Sorry if I'm making it worse lol)

Deleted user

Do y'all remember 2016 when clowns would literally attack people lol