forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@HighPockets group

Yikes. I'll be going through the same thing soon enough.

I thought you were already in college?

I thought he was like 15?

Yeah I'm 19 (Lol Mir). And I am in my second year of college atm but it's a community college so it isn't even away from home. After this year of college I'll be moving to another college. I would really like to go to LA Film School but I don't have the money so… Yeah. It doesn't look like I should go to Central either so I'm (really low-key) panicking because time is running out.

Have you tried for a scholarship? I'm sure you could get one.

Deleted user

I'm eating these 'oH sNaP' pickle things and I don't know how I feel about them

@Mojack group

I’m gonna screech Godzilla vs. Kong got delayed until November 2020
It was originally supposed to come out March 2020 and I knew something was up when we weren’t getting any teasers besides a poster but I just gave it the benefit of the doubt

I mean at least it’s not 5 year in between Godzilla and Godzilla KOTM like it was the last time but still I’m a bit upset

@HighPockets group

I’m gonna screech Godzilla vs. Kong got delayed until November 2020
It was originally supposed to come out March 2020 and I knew something was up when we weren’t getting any teasers besides a poster but I just gave it the benefit of the doubt

I mean at least it’s not 5 year in between Godzilla and Godzilla KOTM like it was the last time but still I’m a bit upset

Fantastic Beasts 3 got delayed until 2021 and I swear that was the only movie I was excited for in 2020.
2020 TV shows better not disappoint me.

Deleted user

Bruh those things are good.
I get them all the time at Kwik Trip when I'm out going to rummage sales.

I live in Michigan wtf is this I am confused

fortgay dances in East coast

@HighPockets group

Bruh those things are good.
I get them all the time at Kwik Trip when I'm out going to rummage sales.

I live in Michigan wtf is this I am confused

Well, sometime you just need to go get a drink from the bubbler when you're out at some rummage sales, maybe pick up a bottle of pop, don'tcha know?

Deleted user

translate that to any other fuckin state in the united states

WI is weird as hell idk

MD might be addicted to drugs and gerrymandered to hell but WI they’re on something else


Corn corn meth incest corn corn proud republican something about baseball do you have time to talk about our lord and savior corny corn corn

^^^Translation for the fellow Missourians

Deleted user

Yikes. I'll be going through the same thing soon enough.

I thought you were already in college?

I thought he was like 15?

Yeah I'm 19 (Lol Mir). And I am in my second year of college atm


I find this hilarious because like everyone knew this already.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Yikes. I'll be going through the same thing soon enough.

I thought you were already in college?

I thought he was like 15?

Yeah I'm 19 (Lol Mir). And I am in my second year of college atm but it's a community college so it isn't even away from home. After this year of college I'll be moving to another college. I would really like to go to LA Film School but I don't have the money so… Yeah. It doesn't look like I should go to Central either so I'm (really low-key) panicking because time is running out.

Have you tried for a scholarship? I'm sure you could get one.

Yeah. But the site said $30,000 after aid. (Presumably the college's.) I could get more, but enough to cover enough? I doubt it. So that's my sadness. Maybe it'll work out though. I can pray.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Yikes. I'll be going through the same thing soon enough.

I thought you were already in college?

I thought he was like 15?

Yeah I'm 19 (Lol Mir). And I am in my second year of college atm


I find this hilarious because like everyone knew this already.

Well I thought she was really little for a while. But now I realize that means she thinks she was talking to someone younger than herself. Which is hilarious. She must have thought I was extremely gifted.


hi i'm tired and done with everything again-
my mom is taking out all her stress and anger on me and i've just accepted that she'll prolly continue to hate me for no reason now.
i did the laundry for her. she yelled that i didn't do it right and that "well my blankets aren't dry yet so you did something wrong!"
even though i did it exactly like she tells me to.
she forgot to get my pills that help me sleep and also make sure i can get up in the morning. she got mad me for not waking up on time today and threw food at my head. (i still ate it tho, i ain't wasting good food-)
'nd it's the first time she got me food in a bit.
and for the past several days she's been asking me to take care of my little brother and feed him. and every time i don't, because i'm doing my own thing or homework, she gets mad at me.
not to mention if she does decide to make food, then it's only for her and my little bro. i don't get fed unless i feed myself. except for today, bc again, she threw sustenance at me.

and she hasn't even thought of apologizing yet.
she just finds something else to get mad at me for instead.
so yea, i'm tired.
'nd i feel bad bc me and my girlfriend wanted to call each other today but i've been crying too much throughout the day and i don't want her to worry so i told her i was busy and we could call a different day

Deleted user

Yikes. I'll be going through the same thing soon enough.

I thought you were already in college?

I thought he was like 15?

Yeah I'm 19 (Lol Mir). And I am in my second year of college atm


I find this hilarious because like everyone knew this already.

Well I thought she was really little for a while. But now I realize that means she thinks she was talking to someone younger than herself. Which is hilarious. She must have thought I was extremely gifted.

I must say you dont really LOOK 19. Like me you have a youngish face. :P
Although–your voice is super deep….

youre a walking contradiction.