forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

I must say you dont really LOOK 19. Like me you have a youngish face. :P
Although–your voice is super deep….

youre a walking contradiction.




I must say you dont really LOOK 19. Like me you have a youngish face. :P
Although–your voice is super deep….

youre a walking contradiction.


dem babyfaced bois

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I must say you dont really LOOK 19. Like me you have a youngish face. :P
Although–your voice is super deep….

youre a walking contradiction.



Dagabat dilen nesepa pult philiamatu nur. My dear I must say I love you much now.

@Moxie group

I was fucking in the store with my mom and I went to text my internet friends (the very same group that got me in trouble last week). She asked me who I was texting and I said my friends and she was like “oh ” and I was like no, my internet friends. And she was like “why don’t you text your real friends? You know, the ones you interact with on a daily basis” Like I’m sorry, is texting not an actual form of communication all of a sudden?? I’m pretty sure I’m still interacting with them? Written word has been around a while my dude. Idk when she said “actual friends” it hurt me so much. These are real friendships. These are real people. I trust some of my online friends more than I trust some of my irl friends. I know she thinks I’m getting scammed by everyone I interact with on the internet, but these are real people that care about me. They are my friends.


Okay so I've really wanted to get a kitten for as long as I can remember. Problem: My brother is severely allergic to cats. So obviously, my top solution is just killing him, but as my parents aren't too keen on that, we're trying really hard to get a Russian blue kitten because they hypoallergenic! I've already picked out the names Willow and Celeste :)

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

Okay so I've really wanted to get a kitten for as long as I can remember. Problem: My brother is severely allergic to cats. So obviously, my top solution is just killing him, but as my parents aren't too keen on that, we're trying really hard to get a Russian blue kitten because they hypoallergenic! I've already picked out the names Willow and Celeste :)

I, as a person who is allergic to cats, say that Russian Blues are the best!

@HighPockets group

Bruh those things are good.
I get them all the time at Kwik Trip when I'm out going to rummage sales.

I live in Michigan wtf is this I am confused

Well, sometime you just need to go get a drink from the bubbler when you're out at some rummage sales, maybe pick up a bottle of pop, don'tcha know?

Well, sometimes you just need to get a drink from the water fountain when you're out at some garage sales, maybe pick up a bottle of soda, you know?

@HighPockets group

I was fucking in the store with my mom and I went to text my internet friends (the very same group that got me in trouble last week). She asked me who I was texting and I said my friends and she was like “oh ” and I was like no, my internet friends. And she was like “why don’t you text your real friends? You know, the ones you interact with on a daily basis” Like I’m sorry, is texting not an actual form of communication all of a sudden?? I’m pretty sure I’m still interacting with them? Written word has been around a while my dude. Idk when she said “actual friends” it hurt me so much. These are real friendships. These are real people. I trust some of my online friends more than I trust some of my irl friends. I know she thinks I’m getting scammed by everyone I interact with on the internet, but these are real people that care about me. They are my friends.

Hell yeah bb

Deleted user

GOOOOD MORNING! So I'm sorta sad because I won't get to see my babe for like another 2 weeks cause we both have way to much family time but oh well. ANYWAYS. Other then that. I'm excited for turkey day and cooking tomorrow.

Deleted user

I'm eating ice cream at 9:45 AM while watching conspiracy theory videos and I feel amazing

@Pickles group

Don't you just love it when the teacher changes an assignment from what's on the paper, but you weren't there when they changed it so you looked at the paper and they leave it alone for a few weeks and then suddenly they comment on your doc saying that you did the wrong thing? I hate my government teacher so much.

Deleted user

I don't either and I have like 10 assignments to do
I'm not exaggerating lol, like, fr

@Pickles group

I have nano and maybe redoing something from last month, but that's it over break. I hope. Well, I'm going to fail. I don't wanna do this.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I need to rant. I introduced one of my friends over to another website, and it turns out they were the ones spamming trump posts everywhere, and now I'm ticked and want to murder them. The website went through a really rough patch (and nearly got shut down) and trolls are not helping.


I need to rant. I introduced one of my friends over to another website, and it turns out they were the ones spamming trump posts everywhere, and now I'm ticked and want to murder them. The website went through a really rough patch (and nearly got shut down) and trolls are not helping.

Wow that person is a piece of shit