forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

(we are using the acronyms to protect us so like stalkers and stuff)

Deleted user

{Mojack is right, we're not letting this chat get shut down too.}

Deleted user

How were y'all's day? Mine was pretty hectic… I could put the full story here to clear up some posts if that would help

Deleted user

hi miri! ruby's sorry she couldn't say hi but i can instead! - ivy


Life sucks, by the way, and everything is stupid and i'm dying

Wanna elaborate in detail?
If so you can do that on here or my PMs are open

School, it kills me. I hate feeling like shit at school and it's… ugh.


Life sucks, by the way, and everything is stupid and i'm dying

Wanna elaborate in detail?
If so you can do that on here or my PMs are open

School, it kills me. I hate feeling like shit at school and it's… ugh.

Would you like help with classwork?


Quick vent-
Does anyone else get random depressing feelings? Like I'm just sitting here and all of a sudden I got depressing thoughts and I'm really bummed now. I don't quite know if anything triggered it but I freaking hate it and myself.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Quick vent-
Does anyone else get random depressing feelings? Like I'm just sitting here and all of a sudden I got depressing thoughts and I'm really bummed now. I don't quite know if anything triggered it but I freaking hate it and myself.

Me too! I just got over one It had built up for a month tho by crying my eyes out at my parents yelling at me! :' )