forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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I hate my name.
I hate it because it looks like a really common one, but is actually really unique.
This means that almost EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE gets my name wrong when they first meet me, and there are a ton of variations of what I get called, but the really common one is annoying.
It takes about a week for the really bad people to get it right. I can put up with that. I do every time.
But at my school there is a group of guys who are mispronouncing my name on purpose.
I know they're doing it on purpose because I spent the entire school year before correcting them.
It's really really petty, and I know they're just doing it to egg me on, but the fact that they won't even acknowledge that it's hurtful is bugging me. A lot. Like I actually feel like shit right now. My day went really well, and now I feel like shit. Not even my happy sappy playlist helped.
Why couldn't I have been named something normal? Something that doesn't get mispronounced or mistaken? Like seriously? It isn't funny anymore, and I hate being called the common name over my actual one. I laugh it off when it is an honest mistake, but now when I get called that I instantly have a drop in my mood.
The only time it was ever funny, was when I actually had someone by the common ame in my class last year, and I responded when their name was called. That was the only time it was funny. But no it's not. And it needs to fucking stop.

My friend was just complaining to me earlier about people pronouncing her name wrong on purpose…

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

But at least yours don't get mistaken for something insanely common….
and then you get called that on purpose.
Yours just get mispronounced.
(I apologize for being rude here, I understand the pain, but it's not the same as constantly being called something that is so common, that when you hear it in a new spot you automatically respond to it?)


Thanks Swim…..
Also, OOF Galaxy.

I don’t think you’re her, because she said it was mostly at her old school (she transferred to my school in 7th grade), and her name isn’t like super unique, but there’s a similar name to it that’s really common and that’s what people call her
I just thought it was weird that you were venting about the same thing my friend was venting about earlier

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

But seriously, I'm so used to being called the common name, that I respond to it whenever I'm in a new situation, and one time, I responded to it, and there was someone else who was actually by that name, and I would continue to respond to it by accident all year, and especially when we had a sub…


I have a really common (first) name, but it can be spelled so many different ways that people often spell it wrong
Then there’s my last name, which is very uncommon (at least in America, it’s probably more common in Poland) and no one knows how to spell it or pronounce it (unless they’ve known me a longish time)
Then there’s the deacon at my church who spells my first name wrong and my last name right…

Deleted user


Deleted user

My name {Miriam} is pronounced 'Mee-ree-uhm' but for some reason people always say 'Mary-uhm??' And it really annoys me, especially because I don't really like the name Mary {NO OFFENSE TO ANYONE NAMED MARY} and I like my actual name.
And the guys at my school, who know this annoys me, always call me 'Merr-uhm'
My middle name is German, since my mom is a German immigrant, and NOBODY can pronounce it. It seems simple; It's spelt 'Josefine,' but it isn't pronounced 'Josephine.' It's pronounced 'Yo-seh-fee-neh.'

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

My name {Miriam} is pronounced 'Mee-ree-uhm' but for some reason people always say 'Mary-uhm??' And it really annoys me, especially because I don't really like the name Mary {NO OFFENSE TO ANYONE NAMED MARY} and I like my actual name.
And the guys at my school, who know this annoys me, always call me 'Merr-uhm'
My middle name is German, since my mom is a German immigrant, and NOBODY can pronounce it. It seems simple; It's spelt 'Josefine,' but it isn't pronounced 'Josephine.' It's pronounced 'Yo-seh-fee-neh.'

This is pretty much the exact same thing as mine. Only mine is mind bogglingly simple when I explain it.


My name {Miriam} is pronounced 'Mee-ree-uhm' but for some reason people always say 'Mary-uhm??' And it really annoys me, especially because I don't really like the name Mary {NO OFFENSE TO ANYONE NAMED MARY} and I like my actual name.

Well I think the only reason people call you 'Mary-Uhm' is because a a variation of my name, Maryam lol. My name is pronounced a ton of different ways, the weirdest being 'Muh-Rye-Uhm', and people still say its 'hard to pronounce' and if they 'can call me Mary'. Like you I despise the name Mary but people are assholes

Deleted user

Backstory time.
A while back I started questing my gender. I actually identified as nonbinary as a while. I think that was the start of all this. Then, I went to Germany in June, and I don't know what was different about this trip home, but a lot happened. I was extremely suicidal during this trip, but also, I kind of started feeling like I was a whole different person, physically. Some of you may remember when I would go on the og venting chat and say that I felt I was living the wrong life, and doing the wrong things.
Before I knew it, I had become someone else. I had a new name, and I would respond to it when I heard it out in public even though I didn't tell anyone how I was feeling. Dysphoria set in. Derealization. Many unenjoyable symptoms.
Then… Well, I started switching.
I'd be Miriam, and then someone else. I'll discuss who I was in a second. And it didn't go away. I felt insane. You see, I would physically not be Miriam, and then I would again.
When I was not me, I was a 17 year old boy named Leo.
We got back from Germany and I was put on meds for my depression, panic disorder and GAD. Leo didn't seem to come out anymore.
I would go a day without my medicine. I would be Leo again.
This hasn't changed. Sometimes I'm Leo even if I am on my meds.
The reason I'm telling you this is because….
Well, I have a personality disorder of some sort. And the newbie, Leo, is me. My dysphoria would get so bad I couldn't even log onto my main NB account without feeling… Weird.
I don't know how else to explain it. I'm Leo. But I'm also Miriam.
I'm still deciding if I want to keep a whole separate account for Leo, or if I just want to use this one and simply tell y'all when it's him instead of me.

So… There's that.
It's been stressful figuring this out. It has effected my actions and I'm sorry if you feel I have wronged you or been a pain in the neck in any way for the past few months I spent working on this.
Hopefully y'all understand and accept it.