forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

So yesterday I was chatting with some friend o’s online, and one of them called me dummy thicc. Now, the problem is, I’m a twig, my arms are so skinny that if you touch them you can feel my bones. The only ‘meat’ on my body is my legs, but there is hardly any, some of it is just muscle from marching band and walking my dog to a tree.
So, before that, I had the worst fucking experience. If you don’t know, I go to group therapy. After we’re done everything, someone drives us home. During group therapy, I told a therapist lady about how I was close to committing suicide, she was going to call my parents, but made a mistake. They called the entitled girls parents. She didn’t mean to. Something about this girl, her sister is amazingly sweet, and the girl who’s entitled wears belly shirts, think she’s the best, yells at adults, is a disrespectful asshole, and thinks she deserves respect. Honestly, I can put up with A LOT of stuff. That day, I really wasn’t feeling it. I made boomer jokes with some friends, it was great. We entered the vans (the vehicle used to leave) the same therapist I talked to was driving us home. Then, this entitled asshat HAD TO OPEN HER PLASTIC FAKE ASS MOUTH. He parents said to her via text, someone said they tried to kill herself. The parents over reacted, I also felt bad because they questioned their parenting… The lady who was driving, I’ll call T, was trying to reason with the entitled bitch I’ll call asshole. Me and my brother, Jesse were flipping out, we were hungry and tired, and we get very cranky when we don’t have food. We were waiting, when asshole refused to put on her seat belt, T has to make a call, so we waited. Instead of waiting, asshole left the vehicle and started complaining and playing the victim card on her parents, TRYING TO FIRE T, THE ONLY GOOD THERAPIST THERE. Because ‘they lied’ EVEN THOUGH T APOLOGIZED MULTIPLE TIMES, AND TRIED TO REASON. Asshole’s FUCKING SISTER, WHO KISSES HER ASS STEPPED IN AND TOLD HER IT WAS UNCALLED FOR! Me and Jesse were done. I blasted rock music while saying I would fucking strangle her if she didn’t apologize and shut the fuck up. T was done, she started driving, even if people didn’t have seat belts on, T wasn’t about to have Jesse kill her because he couldn’t eat chicken nuggets. Asshole was complaining the entire, fucking, time. We al KEPT TELLING HER TO SHUT THE FUCK UP. Even the quite kid who’s very polite, one of the nicest people I know. ROASTED THE SHIT OUT OF HER TO GET HER TO STOP! The next day she TRIED TO TELL ,E SHE WAS IN THE RIGHT AND T WAS GETTING FIRED, if my boyfriend wasn’t there, I would have beat the living shit out of her, I have a clarinet and I’m not afraid to get blood on my reed. I walked away, my boyfriend calmed me down, showed me memes and cursed images, I calmed down. I just wanted to talk about it. And I’m sorry I was rude, I hate her more then anyone, she’s ruder then my brother who has a disability and my sister who's pregnant, always pissed, and is disabled me I can get rude, you have probably seen me rude, I can go roasting turkey mode.
I’m sorry it’s so long, I really needed to get it off my chest before I tried to kill someone.

Deleted user

I’m totally making a reddit account to post this story on entitled parents. I will put so much effort into it. Lmao what if someone reads it? That would be funny. That’s besides the point, should I do something?

Deleted user

I was going to reply but I would sound like an insane maniac with a lust for murder.

Deleted user

Welp, my mother took me to the doctor.
Ya boi has the worst cold the doctors seen this year.