forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

Does anybody have any tips for getting over an ex because you're both happily with new people now

I've been single my whole life, sorry.

I would but all my exes are assholes

I watch anime or movies when I’m sad.

Deleted user

I have a writing exam today along with a practice until 7 pm.
I am dizzy, unable to talk, have a huge headache, and I might have just coughed up a little blood.

Deleted user

Both parents are out of town.
I might skip my practice and go see if my neighbor can do a quick check up (she's a nurse.)

Deleted user

Both parents are out of town.
I might skip my practice and go see if my neighbor can do a quick check up (she's a nurse.)


Deleted user

Both parents are out of town.
I might skip my practice and go see if my neighbor can do a quick check up (she's a nurse.)


Both parents are on a trip for work
My mom will get home tomorow night but my dad had to leave this morning.

Deleted user

There's a house sitter that'll come at night to feed the dogs.
And I guess. They really shouldn't because I'm severely suicidal.
My dad knows I'm sick, but his and my mom's response to me being sick is to "Tough it out"

Deleted user

To which part?
The tough it out is just hwat they always say and the suicidal thing is being worked on (I go to therapy, don't worry)

Deleted user

The sick part, you’re literally loosing your voice, you should at least get medicine or something.

Deleted user

Y u p
But I'm not running a fever, I don't think. My dad wouuldn't check and I don't have a thermometer.

@Pickles group

I hate one of the girls that sits at my lunch table. All she talks about is ROTC, which I'm fine with, 'hot" guys (that are ugly as shit and total assholes anyway), and how long her ex's you know what's are (no one cares and ew that's disgusting, we're trying to eat). She's so annoying

@Pickles group

And today she stole my spot trying to fold her fucking jacket THE WHOLE DAMN PERIOD. So I couldn't sit with my friends. And her jacket was supposedly given to her by some military dude so it's real, so that's either a lie (very likely) or she's just treating a fucking uniform like crap and UGHHHHHHHH