forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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@Pickles group

I'm already a lot less behind than I was, which makes me want to stop now, but I know I'll have to make up even more and I really don't want to do that. I don't even want to do today's. ugh I really need to be more driven. I'm so lazy. that's sad

Deleted user

i didn't even do nanowrimo so i mean, you are doing better then me aha

Deleted user

I have a german presentation tomorrow and I have to speak german but I CAN'T EVEN SPEAK ENGLISH CORRECTLY

I am fluent in German!

Deleted user

I have a german presentation tomorrow and I have to speak german but I CAN'T EVEN SPEAK ENGLISH CORRECTLY

I am fluent in German!


Thanks! That's what happens when your mom is in immigrant from Germany!

@HighPockets group

I have a german presentation tomorrow and I have to speak german but I CAN'T EVEN SPEAK ENGLISH CORRECTLY

I am fluent in German!


Thanks! That's what happens when your mom is in immigrant from Germany!

Also Wisconsin just be like that.
I say, as if I'm fluent in any language but English. Fr though we have a big German population, and a big Italian one in some cities like Milwaukee.


I am …..good? I kinda have a vent about gender I want to do. But I'm scared that although I don't think it's offensive at all, I'm scared it might accidentally be, but I don't see how, so I'm trying to find ways it could be offensive


Also Im late for class, I feel like there's no one pretty on the train, which ruins my favourite game (peek at the most gorgeous people ever for as long as I can and just blush and smile to myself about how pretty they are) oh and I forgot my p.e kit. Plus I'm sick

Deleted user

want to pm it to me? i can promise it won't offend me because, UNPOPULAR OPINION! (i'm not gonna say my unpopular opinion because i will get yelled at aha)


My asshole history teacher assumes that if we miss one homework assignment we’re idiots who don’t care about school and I’m so over it
Like? I’ve got things other than school? And homework other than history? And a terrible sleep schedule and incredibly low motivation? Do you really think I wanted to miss this assignment?

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

My dinner yesterday looked like depression. It had color, but somehow still felt it was painted in the grayscale spectrum. Like who the hell wants to eat some bland meatloaf and beans that smell like wet clothes? That is soooo not appetizing. The smell of the beans even tainted the, poorly seasoned, meatloaf. To top it all off it was served on a flimsy paper plate and by the time I had to throw everything away, the plate was soggy and I didn't want to even touch it. I really wished that I had Gordon Ramsay in my house so that he would slap the living daylights out of him for even thinking that that was a sufficient dinner.

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

Also Im late for class, I feel like there's no one pretty on the train, which ruins my favourite game (peek at the most gorgeous people ever for as long as I can and just blush and smile to myself about how pretty they are) oh and I forgot my p.e kit. Plus I'm sick

You're sick? Get better soon!!! <3

Deleted user

Does anybody have any tips for getting over an ex because you're both happily with new people now