forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

It's actually really common for young teens to miss their periods. Doesn't mean that they are pregnant. Just means at there was a hormone imbalance (probs high testosterone) and/or their body is still getting used to even having a period. Most teens are quite irregular. That doesn't even include the prospect of it being a symptom of a medication that she may be taking. Don't say your pregnant without a confirmed test.

Deleted user

Also, if she miscarried it would be incredibly painful and horrific experience with A SHIT TON more blood than a normal period. She would need to go to a hospital immediately.

Deleted user

Eris, as someone with medical knowledge, if she was pregnant could she still have bleeding similar to periods?

Deleted user

Yes. There are cases of women still having periods while pregnant, but it is extremely rare.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Okay, I have some points to clear up:
she had had an ultrasound, she was most definitely pregnant
I know about the whole irregular period thing from personal experience
She is getting to the doctor asap to see what's going on
there was a very slim chance the baby would have survived anyway do health conditions she has

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

Ugh. I have a test to play for orchestra class. I keep messing up. My bow has no bloody rosin(the stuff that helps it make a sound). My head hurts. I'm way behind on my work and stressing out. My dad keeps antagonizing me for no reason. And way too much more. If I were to list it all, I would be typing forever. LIFE SUCKS. At this point, jumping off of a bridge sounds like a pretty damn logical option.

How's it going, guys? I'm doin' great.

Deleted user

Okay, I have some points to clear up:
she had had an ultrasound, she was most definitely pregnant
I know about the whole irregular period thing from personal experience
She is getting to the doctor asap to see what's going on
there was a very slim chance the baby would have survived anyway do health conditions she has

How did she get an ultrasound without the doctor's notifying her legal guardian?

Deleted user

Oof period talk

lol my bad. I'm an ex-med student so I try to provide good information for the young peeps.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Okay, I have some points to clear up:
she had had an ultrasound, she was most definitely pregnant
I know about the whole irregular period thing from personal experience
She is getting to the doctor asap to see what's going on
there was a very slim chance the baby would have survived anyway do health conditions she has

How did she get an ultrasound without the doctor's notifying her legal guardian?

I apologize, I didn't explain well. Her grandfather knows about the pregnancy, but not her having her period.

@Pickles group

Anyway, hey, I'm new here.
My name is leo. I'm 17.

Hi. I'm Pickles. I'm sixteen. You can call me Lizzie if you want, but no one really does and there's another Lizzie anyways. Nice to meet you