forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


  1. Do you have someone you can tell about this? It might be schizophrenia but idk. Like is there a therapist you have? Or something?
  2. That sucks Kylee

Was one directed toward me?

The first part, yes

Deleted user

I’ve gotten somewhat over it, I just don’t want to see the girls face again. Even though I see her every morning and 2 hours on Tuesday. I can avoid her more by quitting band entirely, or even better, kill her. But I was told that’s too extreme so I’m going to keep it to myself and not say anything until she steps way too out of line, THEN I will strangle her with the help of my brother.

@saor_illust school

(Um… yeah. I've dealt with people who hate my guts, and still hates my guts, actually and trust me. The best way to deal with them is not murder, no matter how much you actually want to kill them.)

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

  1. Do you have someone you can tell about this? It might be schizophrenia but idk. Like is there a therapist you have? Or something?
  2. That sucks Kylee

Was one directed toward me?

The first part, yes

Oh. Well, I don't have a therapist(stuff like that has never worked out well for me). Really, I'm not sure how my family would react if I told them this, so I'm not sure if I'll tell them. And I don't really have any friends to confide in so. . .


  1. Do you have someone you can tell about this? It might be schizophrenia but idk. Like is there a therapist you have? Or something?
  2. That sucks Kylee

Was one directed toward me?

The first part, yes

Oh. Well, I don't have a therapist(stuff like that has never worked out well for me). Really, I'm not sure how my family would react if I told them this, so I'm not sure if I'll tell them. And I don't really have any friends to confide in so. . .

Well we're always here. Feel free to PM me if you want someone to chill out with or whatever!


Well we're always here. Feel free to PM me if you want someone to chill out with or whatever!

That's nice of you, but I don't want to torture someone by having them talk to me.

It's hardly torture, but as you wish

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I hate my name.
I hate it because it looks like a really common one, but is actually really unique.
This means that almost EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE gets my name wrong when they first meet me, and there are a ton of variations of what I get called, but the really common one is annoying.
It takes about a week for the really bad people to get it right. I can put up with that. I do every time.
But at my school there is a group of guys who are mispronouncing my name on purpose.
I know they're doing it on purpose because I spent the entire school year before correcting them.
It's really really petty, and I know they're just doing it to egg me on, but the fact that they won't even acknowledge that it's hurtful is bugging me. A lot. Like I actually feel like shit right now. My day went really well, and now I feel like shit. Not even my happy sappy playlist helped.
Why couldn't I have been named something normal? Something that doesn't get mispronounced or mistaken? Like seriously? It isn't funny anymore, and I hate being called the common name over my actual one. I laugh it off when it is an honest mistake, but now when I get called that I instantly have a drop in my mood.
The only time it was ever funny, was when I actually had someone by the common ame in my class last year, and I responded when their name was called. That was the only time it was funny. But no it's not. And it needs to fucking stop.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I feel you-
I have a super uncommon name, Coral, but it's also super similar to Carol. Literally everyone calls me Carol at first, and I want to deck them. Especially if I've told them before. It's the same with my last name ;-;

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Yeah, but mine is really simple… like, with the spelling of yours you can tell what's wrong with the pronunciations.
Mine… well… there's about seven really common variations.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I just realized that sounded really rude and I'm sorry swim… I know you're trying to help… but honestly I just wanna murder everyone who pronounces my name wrong.