forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Babe, first of all I'm glad you've got some order to your thoughts now, and I'm glad you found you can talk to us about it. I can't speak for anyone else, but I for one am not bothered or anything of the sort. On the contrary, it's cool that you can be honest about everything on here and know that nothing you say will make me not accept you, like ever.
Anyways, yes. That's really cool!!

Deleted user

@Blurry-is-Scarletts-Wife just so you know, willow is happy for you guys <3

@saor_illust school

@Blurry-is-Scarletts-Wife @Leooo I have absolutely no problem with this…. If anything it only makes me respect and admire you even more!


@Pickles group

There's this freshman tuba who I REALLY don't like, and she doesn't know how to take a hint. Multiple people have PAYED her to leave them alone on several occasions. But anyways. She was staying after school today because she thought we had practice (we didn't. We had guard auditions) and she just DECIDED to try out with no consideration at all, not knowing anything about it at all. She's not dressed for it and she hasn't even told her parents, and lemme tell you, this stuff's expensive. And then she called her parents and had the nerve to claim that we were SUPPOSED to have practice today but they changed it which….no??? They didn't?? They didn't change anything.
Anyways, she's also loud, annoying, invades people's personal space, and smelly. I really, really, really don't like her

Deleted user

So, on the Nanowrimo website, I accidentally entered that I had 50,000 words on the word counter and now it already gave me the badge and like… Is nothing going to happen when I actually hit 50,000 words and enter it into the website???


Hello. goodmorninggoodafternoonandgoodnight am sick and just woke up at 2 a.m and I'm pissed cuz I already missed school on Monday, and misses half of Wednesday, and I can't afford to miss another day because the last time I missed this many school hours I was in first year of middle school, so it didn't matter as much…………and now I know I have to go to school today.

@saor_illust school

Hi. -in small voice- I know none of you are qualified to help with medical problems… but I feel like Google is just going to tell me I have cancer or something. Here's some background information. I'm out with my parents in a restaurant and they have toothpicks for whatever reason so I take one but then a little while later, there's something red on the end of the tooth pick and when I "cleaned" it on a napkin, it kinda stained it a tiny bit red. What does that mean?

Deleted user

you have some plaque that you dislodged and it made your gums bleed.

this is normal, especially if you have braces

it is not cancer