forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

Hey y'all, update on the sick boi: I'm going to the doctor tommorow! My mom flew back early and is taking me. (And I did have a fever so fuck you school nurse.)

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

Hey y'all, update on the sick boi: I'm going to the doctor tommorow! My mom flew back early and is taking me. (And I did have a fever so fuck you school nurse.)

That's great! I'm glad you're getting actual help. cough cough Not allergy medicine. cough

Deleted user

No idea. Vut it's alnost midnight here and I can't sleep because of how shitty I feel

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

Hey guys, I know this is weird, but lately, I've been hearing strange voices. Some of them sound like they're from a distance while others sound like they're whispering in my ear. Some of them call my name while others are just plain out bloodcurdling screams. I didn't really think much of it, but then I started to see unfamiliar people where I know they shouldn't be. For example, I just preparing to go to sleep one night, and I saw a strange woman. She was short, had blonde curls, and she seemed like she was pretty old. The thing that scared me most(aside from having a complete stranger at the foot of my bed) was that her eyes were a bright, glowing red colour. I lay there for a while frozen, begging that she go away and after a couple of blinks, she did. I decided to clear my head and look out of the window. So I got up from my bed and opened the curtains. I opened them to a face. It was white as snow and a large frown was plastered across its face. As seconds passed, the frown began to reform itself into a smile as I staggered back helplessly. At this point, I was speechless and in tears. I had no clue what was going on and just wanted it to stop(I still do). I feared to go anywhere, but I didn't want to stay there. I finally decided to stay under my blankets and not come out until the morning. As I fell asleep, I heard one last voice that stated, "You can run darling, but never hide."

@Kie group

Hey guys, I know this is weird, but lately, I've been hearing strange voices. Some of them sound like they're from a distance while others sound like they're whispering in my ear. Some of them call my name while others are just plain out bloodcurdling screams. I didn't really think much of it, but then I started to see unfamiliar people where I know they shouldn't be. For example, I just preparing to go to sleep one night, and I saw a strange woman. She was short, had blonde curls, and she seemed like she was pretty old. The thing that scared me most(aside from having a complete stranger at the foot of my bed) was that her eyes were a bright, glowing red colour. I lay there for a while frozen, begging that she go away and after a couple of blinks, she did. I decided to clear my head and look out of the window. So I got up from my bed and opened the curtains. I opened them to a face. It was white as snow and a large frown was plastered across its face. As seconds passed, the frown began to reform itself into a smile as I staggered back helplessly. At this point, I was speechless and in tears. I had no clue what was going on and just wanted it to stop(I still do). I feared to go anywhere, but I didn't want to stay there. I finally decided to stay under my blankets and not come out until the morning. As I fell asleep, I heard one last voice that stated, "You can run darling, but never hide."

Based on my knowledge of symtoms, you could have schizophrenia. My answer isn't definite, but if you're a young adult, it's a real possibility.


Or if it's happening all the time, even at day, I'm no expert, but that sounds like something similar to schizophrenia. Please, if it's at all an option for you, seek out professional help. I can't tell you the wonders that's done for my depression