forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

Bold of you to assume that Gen X is acknowledged in the first place, Emi.

hm but they are the mistakes of many elder people

@HighPockets group

Vibe check!
Stabs Julius Caesar

Et tu brute?

Thus die I, thus…thus…thus…
Now I am dead!
Sword, this is thy sheath!
Now die, die, die….die……die……

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Well it either is very calm or I get irritated at things like noise.

sensory overload

This happens to me all the time. I try to have background white noise in whatever I'm doing that can help me focus.
At work I have a little heater that makes a humming sound or I play soft piano music. At home I usually always have some form of quiet music playing. If I can focus on that, my brain can't get overloaded by other things.

Idk if this will help but it's a helpful tip!

Yeah, that soft piano music can sometimes really help me out. Incoming media without being too absorbing.

@Moxie group

Well it either is very calm or I get irritated at things like noise.

sensory overload

This happens to me all the time. I try to have background white noise in whatever I'm doing that can help me focus.
At work I have a little heater that makes a humming sound or I play soft piano music. At home I usually always have some form of quiet music playing. If I can focus on that, my brain can't get overloaded by other things.

Idk if this will help but it's a helpful tip!

Yeah, that soft piano music can sometimes really help me out. Incoming media without being too absorbing.

Oh yeah I have a calm playlist for when I get overwhelmed. It also helps me sleep when I can't sleep.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Well it either is very calm or I get irritated at things like noise.

sensory overload

This happens to me all the time. I try to have background white noise in whatever I'm doing that can help me focus.
At work I have a little heater that makes a humming sound or I play soft piano music. At home I usually always have some form of quiet music playing. If I can focus on that, my brain can't get overloaded by other things.

Idk if this will help but it's a helpful tip!

Yeah, that soft piano music can sometimes really help me out. Incoming media without being too absorbing.

Oh yeah I have a calm playlist for when I get overwhelmed. It also helps me sleep when I can't sleep.

I find baseball games do well for that? But not music… (Hip hop and upbeat stuff is great for sleep tho….)

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

The symptoms of ADHD eventually calm down when nearing adulthood. They don't go away all together, but they do subside….

Makes sense, either that or you get so used to it that you just don't think about it anymore.

Deleted user

Y'all ever just want to hurl yourself into the sun because your an awkward person who doesn't know how to have a functional conversation unless its on a random forum full of people who you don't really know?

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Y'all ever just want to hurl yourself into the sun because your an awkward person who doesn't know how to have a functional conversation unless its on a random forum full of people who you don't really know?

That's totally me.


@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

I'm not looking forward to shopping for Christmas…. I always do that with my dad. He waits til last minute for it, and wonders why I get stressed out!

You don't know last-minute until your gift shopping with my dad. He literally waits until flippin' Christmas Eve.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

You don't know last minute christmas shopping unless you're me. I have to wait until I'm with one parent or another and try to do my shopping on less than ten dollars cash for a minimum of eight people because they're direct family, and I never ever complete the list. Ever.