forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Kie group

I get people have different ways of treating and handling animals, but I'd really like to know if I was in the wrong here, because based on my knowledge of dogs, I wasn't being too harsh.

So, I'm at a friend's house tonight. It was a small party for her and there was one dude (gives off weird vibes sometimes but was pretty much fine tonight) over. Their dog (is going through some stuff right now) specifically doesn't like that dude, even though she's really sweet to other people, and I understand the girl hosting the party was kinda upset with him that night.

So, out of nowhere, the dog starts growling at the dude. The other girls are comforting the dog and one is lightly holding back the dog, but other than that, there's nothing preventing the dog from going at him. In my family, some members have two or more dogs (I have an uncle with like 6 or more, all of which are disciplined and very sweet), and knowing what I do about dogs, I grab the dog by the loose skin around the back of the neck-the dog gives off a noise which lets me know it obviously hasn't been disciplined much, and I let go-the girl who owns the dog tells me not to do that anymore, so I don't, and they finally realize they need to take the dog to her mom who's downstairs.

The mom then comes upstairs, giving us a lecture about backing away when the dog is upset (this part is clearly aimed at the dude) and not grabbing the dog's neck (she looks at me for the majority of the whole different ways of treating animals part) because it's the dog's house and we should respect the dog. Now, I wouldn't be posting if it weren't for the fact she said it was the dog's house.

NEVER BEFORE HAVE I ONCE HEARD A DOG OWNER SAY IT WAS THE DOG'S HOUSE. In my knowledge, the dog should feel comfortable and welcome in their home, but never, ever, should the dog feel like it owns the house. The dog should know that the humans own the house, and I feel like that made it very clear they don't discipline their dog well if at all. I get I'm young (13), but what the HECK is going to happen one day if nobody is restraining the dog and somebody it doesn't like is around??? Clearly, telling it to back down won't work, and you can't drag it away from the situation.

Was I too harsh, or was I in the right? I've known a lot of friends with dogs as well, and this is the first time I've seen this.

Deleted user

Nope, you were definitely in the right. Their dog is gonna end up biting one of them/someone else really bad and they’re going to punish the dog by selling it or something. Maybe not to that extreme, but if you can’t drag it away or tell it no, it’ll end up happening.

Deleted user

I am sick.
I have been feeling ill for the past three days, but today, I sneezed out my fucking brains and can't talk, nor yawn, nor barely breathe becuase of how much my throat hurts.


I’m pretty sure I’m getting sick. My throat hurts pretty bad and my nosed is stuffed AND dripping non-stop. This is NOT good. We’re nearing the end of our show (tech week is in 3 weeks), PLUS I have an audition tomorrow (that I am extremely unprepared for because I’ve been so busy with school).
(But in all honesty I’d rather do my audition feeling like crap than miss it, as long as I don’t push my voice, because I’m sure I’ll be better by the time we start rehearsing)

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Okay @Moxie, as a severe adhd kid myself I know how hard it is being ADHD. I make stupid mistakes in school all the time, I impulsively do things all the time, I forget things all the time, I know what that's like. If you want to PM me I can try to offer tricksand tips to help manage everyday aspects?
(Also i might add that I'm in highschool handling academic classes (Have done a lot of mainly independent homeschooling before grade 9) and have no IEP)

Thanks dude


Deleted user

I get people have different ways of treating and handling animals, but I'd really like to know if I was in the wrong here, because based on my knowledge of dogs, I wasn't being too harsh.

So, I'm at a friend's house tonight. It was a small party for her and there was one dude (gives off weird vibes sometimes but was pretty much fine tonight) over. Their dog (is going through some stuff right now) specifically doesn't like that dude, even though she's really sweet to other people, and I understand the girl hosting the party was kinda upset with him that night.

So, out of nowhere, the dog starts growling at the dude. The other girls are comforting the dog and one is lightly holding back the dog, but other than that, there's nothing preventing the dog from going at him. In my family, some members have two or more dogs (I have an uncle with like 6 or more, all of which are disciplined and very sweet), and knowing what I do about dogs, I grab the dog by the loose skin around the back of the neck-the dog gives off a noise which lets me know it obviously hasn't been disciplined much, and I let go-the girl who owns the dog tells me not to do that anymore, so I don't, and they finally realize they need to take the dog to her mom who's downstairs.

The mom then comes upstairs, giving us a lecture about backing away when the dog is upset (this part is clearly aimed at the dude) and not grabbing the dog's neck (she looks at me for the majority of the whole different ways of treating animals part) because it's the dog's house and we should respect the dog. Now, I wouldn't be posting if it weren't for the fact she said it was the dog's house.

NEVER BEFORE HAVE I ONCE HEARD A DOG OWNER SAY IT WAS THE DOG'S HOUSE. In my knowledge, the dog should feel comfortable and welcome in their home, but never, ever, should the dog feel like it owns the house. The dog should know that the humans own the house, and I feel like that made it very clear they don't discipline their dog well if at all. I get I'm young (13), but what the HECK is going to happen one day if nobody is restraining the dog and somebody it doesn't like is around??? Clearly, telling it to back down won't work, and you can't drag it away from the situation.

Was I too harsh, or was I in the right? I've known a lot of friends with dogs as well, and this is the first time I've seen this.

There's nothing wrong with what you did?? Like, when dogs attack, they can do a lot of damage. I have a family member who was attacked by a dog as a child and still has complications and is being payed by the family who owned the dog to this day. You were 100% in the right.

Deleted user

Hey this is random, but my cat has to sleep in a cage {it's for big dogs so it's very large and spacious, don't worry} at night because he is a Wild Boi™, and I love my son, so I kind of want to move that cage into my room to help with my night anxiety and stuff, but he has a litterbox in it in case he has to go and it kind of smells {obviously.} Does anybody have any idea how I could put him in my room but keep it smelling better?

I have one of those Scentsy things I was thinking of using…

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Baking soda sometimes helps to take care of smells…. (I've used it before when a cat my family had peed on my old bean bag and we couldn't toss it at the time, and also for mold and mildew smells…)

@Pickles group

Putting a top on it with a flap helps keep it in their, but some cats don't like the flap and since you already have a box, you might not be able to find a kid that fits without buying a new one

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

So, would I just put the baking soda on the ground, or…?

You can get kitty litter that has baking soda in it to be scent blocking/resistant whatever you wanna call it.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

constantly fidgeting

constantly zone out and stare off into space

make a lot of careless mistakes in her work

forgetful and finds it difficult to organize her time

I spend half of the time for those things rereading to actually try and comprehend what the question is asking me

or staring off into space

All these speak to me. As well as talking and moving in class whenever socially possible. (As well as some occasions when it's not.)

@Pickles group

constantly fidgeting

constantly zone out and stare off into space

make a lot of careless mistakes in her work

forgetful and finds it difficult to organize her time

I spend half of the time for those things rereading to actually try and comprehend what the question is asking me

or staring off into space

All these speak to me. As well as talking and moving in class whenever socially possible. (As well as some occasions when it's not.)


Deleted user

okay my thighs hurt so much

I was doing wall sits at the gym today and girl let me tell you I could barely stay there for twenty seconds it hurt so bad

and my entire body hurts but that’s just because i worked out lol


constantly fidgeting

constantly zone out and stare off into space

make a lot of careless mistakes in her work

forgetful and finds it difficult to organize her time

I spend half of the time for those things rereading to actually try and comprehend what the question is asking me

or staring off into space

All these speak to me. As well as talking and moving in class whenever socially possible. (As well as some occasions when it's not.)


also same…???

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

constantly fidgeting

constantly zone out and stare off into space

make a lot of careless mistakes in her work

forgetful and finds it difficult to organize her time

I spend half of the time for those things rereading to actually try and comprehend what the question is asking me

or staring off into space

All these speak to me. As well as talking and moving in class whenever socially possible. (As well as some occasions when it's not.)



@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Except on the occasions that I don't. Like, I'll be fidgeting for a while and then just sort of shut down and be Done. Anyone else experience that?

Like you've been idgeting and then you just can't bring yourself to do anything? Including fidget?