forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

You have almost no chance of that messing it up unless it's satin maybe (probably not) or possibly a comforter (the big fluffy blanket). They're probably cotton or polyester or smth you can machine wash

Deleted user

i just throw it all into the washer with soap on cold

that's what I did lol, we're just gonna hope for the best

I'm sorry, but that just made my day! 😊

I'm glad XD

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I need to rant.

What the hell is it with people pulling the racist card?? I was minding my own business when this dude walked up and started fake flirting with me, and when I made it clear I was taken he said

a. my relationship isn't real because it's online.
b. I was rejecting him because he was black and I was being racist

I grew up in Fort Wayne, where the diversity in ancestry is pretty decent. Then I move here, a tiny city that is literally 98% white and everyone is straight white and rich or a hillbilly. I'm probably one of the least racist people there??

Deleted user

Listen to me. My room, you know my gaming room, he place that I live in, can be alone, wear my onesie and watch cartoons in piece, MY SISTER SINCE SHES PREGNANT CAN APPARENTLY TAKE IT JUST BECAUSE ‘oh we need it for the baby’ THERE ARE LIKE TWO EMPTY, CLEAN ROOMS AND SHIT AND SHE WANTS THE ONLY PLACE I CAN BE BY MYSELF AND CRY WITHOUT BEING JUDGED? I’m not going to insult her, but seriously. They have a huge room, I have a supply closet space. They have A ROOM CONNECTED TO IT WHICH NO ONE IS USING BY THE WAY, but no.
The worst thing she’s done, I don’t even think I can say, it’ll probably offend people so I’m not discussing it, if you want to know ask me via DM’s, here’s a hint, it deals with suicide. I’m okay now, promise.


I think I’ve finally managed to realize just how hopeless I truly am and it’s kind of taken a toll on my everything

I’m a mess

Every single day I think I’ve hit my lowest point only for things to get even worse and I just…

I don’t want to live anymore

Deleted user

I think I’ve finally managed to realize just how hopeless I truly am and it’s kind of taken a toll on my everything

I’m a mess

Every single day I think I’ve hit my lowest point only for things to get even worse and I just…

I don’t want to live anymore

What has your mom been doing about this?

Deleted user

sarcasm Wow, how much I love mental breakdowns. I love not being able to talk to my school friends because my brother absolutely NEEDS to play Roblox, it’s not like he has THREE different consoles, I have one, he has A ROKU THAT WORKS, and all I have is a PS1 classic, a broken Wii that plays one game, a ROKU i can’t hook up or use because I don’t have a remote. It’s not like I miss my friends and can never speak to them outside of school because, oh wait, I remember! I lost my phone, and after being promised a replacement that was going to be gotten WEEKS AGO, I have to wait until Christmas for a phone we could have gotten. BUT NO CONNOR NEEDED WEED TO SMOKE AND BRIANNA WANTED EVERYTHING SO FUCK ME AM I RIGHT? I DON’T NEED FRIENDS, ALL I NEED IS CRYING IN A ROOM WITHOUT A FUCKING DOOR WHERE EVERYONE SCREAMS AT ME FOR NO REASON, ITS NOT LIKE THEY HELPED ME NOT COMMIT SUICIDE, JESSE NEEDS A STUPID GAME, I DONT NEED TO FEEL BETTER.


She’s done nothing yet, unless you count her buying me two “happy books” that ended up making me feel worse about myself unintentionally
(To be fair I got nervous and didn’t actually tell her how bad things were, just that I was “struggling a bit” and wanted her to know)
She said she’d plan a day for the two of us to talk and that she’d do her best to help me but… I wasn’t kidding when I said she’s too busy to talk to
Every single day is occupied with something important and my dad’s never home to help out, so it’s basically either she makes time to talk to one of her children as soon as possible, or she puts food on the table so we don’t die

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

sarcasm Wow, how much I love mental breakdowns. I love not being able to talk to my school friends because my brother absolutely NEEDS to play Roblox, it’s not like he has THREE different consoles, I have one, he has A ROKU THAT WORKS, and all I have is a PS1 classic, a broken Wii that plays one game, a ROKU i can’t hook up or use because I don’t have a remote. It’s not like I miss my friends and can never speak to them outside of school because, oh wait, I remember! I lost my phone, and after being promised a replacement that was going to be gotten WEEKS AGO, I have to wait until Christmas for a phone we could have gotten. BUT NO CONNOR NEEDED WEED TO SMOKE AND BRIANNA WANTED EVERYTHING SO FUCK ME AM I RIGHT? I DON’T NEED FRIENDS, ALL I NEED IS CRYING IN A ROOM WITHOUT A FUCKING DOOR WHERE EVERYONE SCREAMS AT ME FOR NO REASON, ITS NOT LIKE THEY HELPED ME NOT COMMIT SUICIDE, JESSE NEEDS A STUPID GAME, I DONT NEED TO FEEL BETTER.

Let me know if you need to talk, okay? I can't say I know how hard it is being ignored… but I can at least try to offer emotional support…