forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

I'm sorry but I also have a quick vent
So, I texted my dad that about five minutes ago I hit 25,000 words on my Nanowrimo piece because he's pretty invested in my writing and that's halfway done with Nano, and I've said I don't see anyone reading my piece for a long time because I'm pretty self-conscious about my writing. Well, he keeps assuming he'll read it as soon as it's done. Like, I'll text him "sorry I didn't respond, I was doing my Nano!" and he'll reply with, like, "it's okay, counting down the days until I get to read it!"
And it's just– Argh

Deleted user

but why not let him read it if he’s so excited?

There’s no harm in critism.

@HighPockets group

I'm sorry but I also have a quick vent
So, I texted my dad that about five minutes ago I hit 25,000 words on my Nanowrimo piece because he's pretty invested in my writing and that's halfway done with Nano, and I've said I don't see anyone reading my piece for a long time because I'm pretty self-conscious about my writing. Well, he keeps assuming he'll read it as soon as it's done. Like, I'll text him "sorry I didn't respond, I was doing my Nano!" and he'll reply with, like, "it's okay, counting down the days until I get to read it!"
And it's just– Argh

Oh, mine as well, and I don't feel comfortable sharing my writing with him.

Deleted user

but why not let him read it if he’s so excited?

There’s no harm in critism.

I'm not comfortable with it, and he knows it, but like : /


Hey, boi's, quick vent here
I don't know why, but I've been feeling really bad about myself for LITERALLY NO REASON like I had that lesson earlier today, right? It went great. The girl did awesome, the horse did awesome, and then I gave another lesson to a young girl and her mom later complimented me on my "calm teaching voice" and I felt awesome.
Teaching (especially horse stuff) is where I'm the most in my element, where I feel the most confident and sure of myself. And literally everything went perfectly. I was teaching my own lessons, on my own, without even my boss having to step in once, plus she was listening to my advice, and she asked me for my opinion on things, like, what's not to love right?
I have no idea, but I'm feeling miserable about it right now, like specifically about those lessons, where nothing went wrong??? I just am feeling really down and like I'm a failure and I want to quite, when I know I'm not a failure at all, and that's sort of my dream job.
Why is this happening??? It's been going on more lately, I have a great day out there, then I come home and have a frickin crisis about something that went really well. It's really frustrating me and confusing me, and I just want to be happy, please.

Anyway, thanks for listeningggg

@saor_illust school

That sounds amazing!

I totally get that though, I've had that happen to me before. It's really weird, and I don't even know why it happens.
But I don't have any advice, I kind of just waited it out, waiting for my happy feelings to come back so

@Pickles group

So um we're going to watch a band competition and I thought report time was 7:45 but it turns out it's 7:15?!!! And that's in four minutes so my mom had to take me because we couldn't defrost my car in time and it's not even in the state and I don't have earbuds and I don't have my stuff to work with nanowrimo on the way there

Deleted user

I hope you get there in time! And maybe have time to put on your uniform lol


Is it true that Australians can loose they’re accents after moving and being away for a while?

I'm not born in Australia, but like, I guess anyone will loose their accent after moving away


Oh yeah, I hadn’t told anyone about this…

I have sharp fingernails and when I get really really angry at myself over something I’ve done I’ll often find myself clawing endlessly at my arm until it either starts to bleed or I calm down

spoiler alert

I didn’t calm down


Oh yeah, I hadn’t told anyone about this…

I have sharp fingernails and when I get really really angry at myself over something I’ve done I’ll often find myself clawing endlessly at my arm until it either starts to bleed or I calm down

spoiler alert

I didn’t calm down

clears throat