forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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I spent over 5 years trying to break my severe nail-biting habit just to get these long shiny nails, I can’t cut them-

And besides, it’s my eczema that caused the arm to bleed, not just my nails, and not even that badly, barely more than a paper cut


I spent over 5 years trying to break my severe nail-biting habit just to get these long shiny nails, I can’t cut them-

I still bite mine…. Any tips on stopping?

replace it with a new habit… like i twirl my hair or some people tap their foot


I spent over 5 years trying to break my severe nail-biting habit just to get these long shiny nails, I can’t cut them-

I still bite mine…. Any tips on stopping?

The way I finally managed to stop was by painting my nails, not only does nail polish taste disgusting, but it also took me forever to paint them so I’d never want to risk messing them up.
(If you don’t want bright dollar tree-blue fingers at all times, use the clear stuff, works just as well)

Also, keep a nail file on you at all times. Helps a lot when you have that one uneven/jagged/broken nail that’s just begging you to trim it at any cost-

@saor_illust school

Hey guys, mini rant incoming. I would've said this yesterday if I'd remembered this was a healthier way of letting it out instead of bottling it up

So my best friend, let's call her K for now. So, she's over, and I happen to have gum in stock. She wants some gum. Now for some background, I have two types of gum, and still do. A pack I got from Safeway, and another pack my dad gave me. Now, the one I got from Safeway, I really really like, so I told her no, she couldn't have that gum and gave her a piece of the other gum. Now this is the part that really irks me. I go upstairs to make some food, and while I'm doing that, she decides to take advantage of me and take not one, but two pieces of the gum that I told her she couldn't have. I don't even discover this until after she's left. And on top of that, K didn't even finish the second piece of gum that she took. So I also have candy in the house, leftover from Halloween, right? She takes several lollipops, and it's not the fact that she took the lollipops that makes me frustrated. It's the part where she leaves all of her trash on my table and expects me to clean up after her. It's really annoying, and I plan on talking to her about this today, in a calm voice, or at least as calm as I can, so don't worry. I just needed to get that out of the way. I feel much calmer now.


My sister does that all the time.
When I went to church the other day, the fall of the venting space wasn’t the only thing I missed-
My little sister (not the baby, the one that should be old enough to not pull this garbage) had got into my candy stash, she found my nail polish, painted a ziploc bag and two tissues with it for some unknown reason, then got into my “odd little objects I don’t want to get rid of” bag, took all my craft stems, left the bag open, finished off two whole packs of gum along with some tic-tacs, pez, and half-finished the other two packs, then tore the case for my conte sticks, and proceeded to tell me when I got home that she “didn’t touch any of my stuff”, while her breath still smelled like the Swedish fish she took from my candy stash.

I just volunteered at the church sale for one hour, I wasn’t even gone that long-

@Moxie group

So I am 99.99% sure that I have adhd. My mother (who is a teacher and has done a ton of research on this) is also 99.99% sure that I have adhd. Two of my really good friends have been diagnosed and both of confirmed that what I described sounds exactly like what they experience. I've never been officially diagnosed because 1. That shit is way too expensive for us to do on our own and 2. No teacher has ever recommended me, so my school won't pay for it. It's either "Oh she's just struggling in school. She just gets bored like every teenager. She doesn't get up and walk around the room randomly in the middle of class. She isn't constantly interrupting my class. She can sit quietly. Sure she's constantly fidgeting, and she'll constantly zone out and stare off into space, and she'll make a lot of careless mistakes in her work, and she's forgetful and finds it difficult to organize her time, but that's just normal teenager stuff!" I've tried telling multiple teachers that I think I have this and would like to get tested, but the two of them that would actually advocate for me moved to different schools before anything could get done, and the other one googled common symptoms, decided I didn't have adhd and didn't do anything about it. And she's technically my counsler. And now I just found out that it's pointless to try and get diagnosed anyways because once you turn 18 you don't get any benefits and there's nothing that can be done for you. And I'm so mad because this whole time I've just had to deal. My grades could be so much better if I got more time on tests and timed assignments but I spend half of the time for those things rereading to actually try and comprehend what the question is asking me, or staring off into space, or being mad at myself for staring off into space and wasting time (which just wastes more time) and I hate it. But even if I got diagnosed right now there's nothing that could be done for me because the school needs to detail out your ILP or IEP at the beginning of the year, otherwise, there's nothing they can do for you. And I'm almost halfway through my senior year anyway so there's no point anymore. This is just such a frustrating and stupid situation and it makes me want to cry. And really mad.
Okay. Rant over.

@HighPockets group

I have an IEP now, and the administration of the school I was at last year constantly tried to stall the process so I wouldn't get it filled out in time. They also tried (and succeeded) to get me switched to a 504 bc they didn't want to make any genuine changes. But considering that that's the same school where 2 kids broke the vice principal's knee, I'm not very surprised.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

So I am 99.99% sure that I have adhd. My mother (who is a teacher and has done a ton of research on this) is also 99.99% sure that I have adhd. Two of my really good friends have been diagnosed and both of confirmed that what I described sounds exactly like what they experience. I've never been officially diagnosed because 1. That shit is way too expensive for us to do on our own and 2. No teacher has ever recommended me, so my school won't pay for it. It's either "Oh she's just struggling in school. She just gets bored like every teenager. She doesn't get up and walk around the room randomly in the middle of class. She isn't constantly interrupting my class. She can sit quietly. Sure she's constantly fidgeting, and she'll constantly zone out and stare off into space, and she'll make a lot of careless mistakes in her work, and she's forgetful and finds it difficult to organize her time, but that's just normal teenager stuff!" I've tried telling multiple teachers that I think I have this and would like to get tested, but the two of them that would actually advocate for me moved to different schools before anything could get done, and the other one googled common symptoms, decided I didn't have adhd and didn't do anything about it. And she's technically my counsler. And now I just found out that it's pointless to try and get diagnosed anyways because once you turn 18 you don't get any benefits and there's nothing that can be done for you. And I'm so mad because this whole time I've just had to deal. My grades could be so much better if I got more time on tests and timed assignments but I spend half of the time for those things rereading to actually try and comprehend what the question is asking me, or staring off into space, or being mad at myself for staring off into space and wasting time (which just wastes more time) and I hate it. But even if I got diagnosed right now there's nothing that could be done for me because the school needs to detail out your ILP or IEP at the beginning of the year, otherwise, there's nothing they can do for you. And I'm almost halfway through my senior year anyway so there's no point anymore. This is just such a frustrating and stupid situation and it makes me want to cry. And really mad.
Okay. Rant over.

Okay @Moxie, as a severe adhd kid myself I know how hard it is being ADHD. I make stupid mistakes in school all the time, I impulsively do things all the time, I forget things all the time, I know what that's like. If you want to PM me I can try to offer tricksand tips to help manage everyday aspects?
(Also i might add that I'm in highschool handling academic classes (Have done a lot of mainly independent homeschooling before grade 9) and have no IEP)


(I’m just going to say this so no one worries too much, I did get a miracle, today has been absolutely wonderful and I’m just so happy-

I know that’s not what this chat is for but I figured I’d give an update)


(I’m just going to say this so no one worries too much, I did get a miracle, today has been absolutely wonderful and I’m just so happy-

I know that’s not what this chat is for but I figured I’d give an update)

hmm? what was the miracle?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So um we're going to watch a band competition and I thought report time was 7:45 but it turns out it's 7:15?!!! And that's in four minutes so my mom had to take me because we couldn't defrost my car in time and it's not even in the state and I don't have earbuds and I don't have my stuff to work with nanowrimo on the way there

Also. You have a car!!!!!!!!!

Deleted user

P sure MM can handle themselves with their mom, who is clearly more educated and probably more experienced than anyone here.

I hope it works out for you, though, m8.


And besides, it’s my eczema that caused the arm to bleed, not just my nails, and not even that badly, barely more than a paper cut

Anyone else look at other people's elbows with jealous longing?

raises hand

@Pickles group

So um we're going to watch a band competition and I thought report time was 7:45 but it turns out it's 7:15?!!! And that's in four minutes so my mom had to take me because we couldn't defrost my car in time and it's not even in the state and I don't have earbuds and I don't have my stuff to work with nanowrimo on the way there

Also. You have a car!!!!!!!!!

…..yup. it's name is Melinda. I guess there's something to be happy about? i did make it on time and I got kinda bored, but it was a fun time

Deleted user

I'm just sitting here in the dark being gay, eating chips and watching pictures of people cut their own hair

Idk why

It's not like I plan on doing it myself, I have a pixie cut lol

Deleted user

Oh yeah, I hadn’t told anyone about this…

I have sharp fingernails and when I get really really angry at myself over something I’ve done I’ll often find myself clawing endlessly at my arm until it either starts to bleed or I calm down

spoiler alert

I didn’t calm down

I do that as well,

Deleted user


Deleted user

Hey, I'm in a bad mood bc of my non accepting mother
Cheer me up, y'all