forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Moxie group

Except on the occasions that I don't. Like, I'll be fidgeting for a while and then just sort of shut down and be Done. Anyone else experience that?

Yup yup yup

Deleted user

All I want is for somebody {Preferably a girl} to actually love me and give me their sweatshirt and hug me and let me sleep on their shoulder

@Pickles group

Except on the occasions that I don't. Like, I'll be fidgeting for a while and then just sort of shut down and be Done. Anyone else experience that?

Yup yup yup


Deleted user

Don't you love hearing your mom tell all the drama of YOUR personal life to her siblings??

Deleted user

Well it either is very calm or I get irritated at things like noise.

sensory overload

This happens to me all the time. I try to have background white noise in whatever I'm doing that can help me focus.
At work I have a little heater that makes a humming sound or I play soft piano music. At home I usually always have some form of quiet music playing. If I can focus on that, my brain can't get overloaded by other things.

Idk if this will help but it's a helpful tip!


Okay, this is exactly the frick I'm talking about. Y'all remember that vent a while back that I said I didn't really want to talk about? Yeah, well, it happened again, and

@saor_illust school

oh sunny
you are absolutely amazing and–
i love our rps (ik i'm just repeating myself) and you're an awesome person, and i bet you're even more amazing and awesome in person! if someone doesn't appreciate you for who you are, then (no offense to them) they're honestly kind of dumb. because what's not to appreciate about you? you work with horses, and that's really cool! you're an awesome rper, and that's awesome!

and last, but not least, because this is the most important thing about you is that you sometimes have problems with life itself too. and why is that important? because that's what makes you human. you have flaws, just like every single one of us, even if we pretend like our life is perfect, we're only hiding behind a mask, carefully editing out anything that isn't up to our standards. our flaws, and imperfections are what makes us human, what makes us us. (sorry, that was a bit long, but it's all true)


Hey! Uh… I just feel like I kind of need to tell someone this but I don't tell any of my friends or family anything soooo maybe I could vent here.
I keep a list of things that I hate about myself and some of them are dumb but they're all real insecurities or things I've thought about. On some of my better days, I've tried to go over the list and fix some of the things about myself that I don't like but some of them I can't change and I feel like the list just grows and grows other days. I'm not sure if sharing this will make me feel better or worse but thanks for tuning in anyways I guess.


Thanks Izzy <3 <3 <3 I don't deserve to have a friend like you.
I think imma just go ahead and say what it is, bc the only reason I'm not is because I don't want you guys to think less of me.
But, if you do, you do, and I'm okay with that, and I'm really really sorry about this part of myself, and if you wanna cut contact, that's fine, I understand. All that aside

Sorry, I chickened out. If anyone read it before I got rid of it, what I'm offering below here still stands. If anyone wants to pm me, I'll share there


Oh, my dear Sunny.
I don't even know you, but I would never think less of you for something you can't control and something your struggling with.
I know that feeling when you do something out of spite or anger or sadness or confusion and you think back and realize what you did and just hate yourself for it. Everyone has their problems, and I'm going to share some advice with you that I've seen, thought about, and haven't really listened to but maybe it will help you. You wouldn't beat yourself up for having cancer or a cold, so why would you beat yourself up for having depression or anger?


Oh, my dear Sunny.
I don't even know you, but I would never think less of you for something you can't control and something your struggling with.
I know that feeling when you do something out of spite or anger or sadness or confusion and you think back and realize what you did and just hate yourself for it. Everyone has their problems, and I'm going to share some advice with you that I've seen, thought about, and haven't really listened to but maybe it will help you. You wouldn't beat yourself up for having cancer or a cold, so why would you beat yourself up for having depression or anger?

That honestly made me cry, thank-you so much. I'm going to be talking to my counselor about it Tuesday, I hope she can help me.
I really can't express how much it means to me that you're not turning me away. Thank-you, more than I can ever say.

@saor_illust school

Hey! Uh… I just feel like I kind of need to tell someone this but I don't tell any of my friends or family anything soooo maybe I could vent here.
I keep a list of things that I hate about myself and some of them are dumb but they're all real insecurities or things I've thought about. On some of my better days, I've tried to go over the list and fix some of the things about myself that I don't like but some of them I can't change and I feel like the list just grows and grows other days. I'm not sure if sharing this will make me feel better or worse but thanks for tuning in anyways I guess.

Hey Jae! (Sunny I promise I will get to that as soon as I finish with this.) I know I have barely talked with you at all, but still. You are absolutely perfect the way you are, and much like with Sunny, your insecurities are part of what makes you human, what makes you you. You don't need to change anything about yourself, because that would be putting on a mask. Pretending to be someone you aren't. I used to do that, as a matter of fact. But then I met a friend, and that friend really helped me to remove that mask. And yes, while there are still some things I keep secret, I no longer wear a mask online.

I don't really know if that helped or not, if it made you feel worse, but that's just what I think.

@saor_illust school

Oh, my dear Sunny.
I don't even know you, but I would never think less of you for something you can't control and something your struggling with.
I know that feeling when you do something out of spite or anger or sadness or confusion and you think back and realize what you did and just hate yourself for it. Everyone has their problems, and I'm going to share some advice with you that I've seen, thought about, and haven't really listened to but maybe it will help you. You wouldn't beat yourself up for having cancer or a cold, so why would you beat yourself up for having depression or anger?

Jae is 100% correct. I don't know what else I could say, since they've already said it all, but even though you have anger issues, so what? You're you, and that's like saying I don't like your eyes, so I don't like you. That makes no sense. I'm glad you're going to talk to your counselor about this, she's going to be more helpful and offer more advice than I can ever give. But I do want you to know that we're here for you, anytime you need comfort, or anything. We'll cheer you on, we'll do as much as we can to help you.


Hey! Uh… I just feel like I kind of need to tell someone this but I don't tell any of my friends or family anything soooo maybe I could vent here.
I keep a list of things that I hate about myself and some of them are dumb but they're all real insecurities or things I've thought about. On some of my better days, I've tried to go over the list and fix some of the things about myself that I don't like but some of them I can't change and I feel like the list just grows and grows other days. I'm not sure if sharing this will make me feel better or worse but thanks for tuning in anyways I guess.

Hey Jae! (Sunny I promise I will get to that as soon as I finish with this.) I know I have barely talked with you at all, but still. You are absolutely perfect the way you are, and much like with Sunny, your insecurities are part of what makes you human, what makes you you. You don't need to change anything about yourself, because that would be putting on a mask. Pretending to be someone you aren't. I used to do that, as a matter of fact. But then I met a friend, and that friend really helped me to remove that mask. And yes, while there are still some things I keep secret, I no longer wear a mask online.

I don't really know if that helped or not, if it made you feel worse, but that's just what I think.

Thanks Izzy. Love ya <3