forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

exactly lmao

the point of IM is to be IMed so IM them back

it’s not Wait An Hour and Don’t Get a Response Back Once You Finally Do Message


for me, when i don’t respond instantly, it’s not usually an “i don’t want to look like i don’t have a life” thing, everyone knows i don’t have a life, why would i even hide it
it’s more of a “i don’t know what to say so i’m gonna check some other chat notifications then come back to you when i’ve thought of something aaaaand oh look it’s been two months-“ thing.

to the only two people who have ever vented to me in PMs, i’m so so sorry i didn’t respond, i was scared to help cause i thought i’d make things worse so i didn’t say anything, not realizing just how awful it feels to go to someone for help and be ignored… i should’ve at least tried, i should’ve been there for you, but i didn’t and i still feel like crap for it to this day-

i’m so, so sorry…

Deleted user

It's okay Ella, it happens, I understand where you're coming from, that actually happens to me more often than not. It's not that I don't want to respond when someone comes to me for help but sometimes you're just at a loss for words. What are you supposed to say to someone who has lost a loved one or who is battling cancer?
I'm not good with emotions and how to help others with that, but that doesn't mean that I should blame myself. Maybe it was better that you didn't answer if you thought that it was going to make things worse.

Deleted user

bitch fuck whoever judges you for texting them back instantly

What’s the point of texting me at all if you’re gonna judge me and my speed in which I answered?

Deleted user

fuck yeah i do

people like that in my lives, who judge me for appreciating their existence in somehow texting me first, need the get the fuck out of it

so if you couldn’t tell i have a very small group of friends, of whom I always text first.


It's more of a self-judgement thing for me we love self-hate and self-doubt I also relate to what Ella said though. That's usually the reason all the rp's I've ever tried to be in died because idk what to respond with and I accidentally leave it for a month oops-

Deleted user

well then fuck yourself

yeah you heard me

stupid anxiety

shut your mouth

i don’t need none of that shit today

I wanna text my friends/boyfriend and actually get a response at a correct time

throws brain out of head

be the… dmkeekkellee

@saor_illust school

this isn't a vent, but i need y'all's help
so uh… my birthday is coming up soon, as some of you may or may not know. about a week after that, i'm planning a party with some of my friends, and well…. uh… this is gonna sound really stupid but like 90% of them haven't responded and my dad is kinda stressing about it and if he stresses about it anymore i might get stressed myself which might lead to anxiety, again so um…. yeahh


this isn't a vent, but i need y'all's help
so uh… my birthday is coming up soon, as some of you may or may not know. about a week after that, i'm planning a party with some of my friends, and well…. uh… this is gonna sound really stupid but like 90% of them haven't responded and my dad is kinda stressing about it and if he stresses about it anymore i might get stressed myself which might lead to anxiety, again so um…. yeahh

I don't think there's as much as a need to worry as you think there is. They probably just need time to figure out if they have any preexisting plans that day or (like me) keep forgetting to tell their parents. If they still keep not responding, just give them one or two light reminders as it get's closer and if you want if they ask why just tell them you're getting a head count. Happy early Birthday btw!


So my kitten is really sick and she's been hospitalized and I'm worried about her. She's got a fever of almost 106 (F), she can't breathe super well, she's been super lethargic, and she won't eat or drink. The vets think she'll be there for two to three days, which means I won't be able to see her. And the other kitten keeps crying because she doesn't understand why she's alone in my room now.


dang it

…you’ve given me the feels for tiny kittens I don’t even know
i want to hug the precious little babies so bad-
it’ll be okay, little kittens-

it’ll be okay…
