forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


okay so i'm pissed.
So these people at this place I usually go to for lunch decided I wasn't worthy of being able to go there anymore.
I guess they're going off of rumors that I "lie and fish for pity"? What?
I've literally never said a WORD about my problems and I've always tried to help these girls out with whatever they're going through, and I've never lied to any of them.
What the fuck is going on?


honestly, to me it sounds like this friend of yours (who i'll call A for now) is toxic. She lied about things that should never be joked about, or even lied about, for goodness sake. and then, on top of that when you presumably told her to stop, or told her that you knew A was lying, she got extremely defensive and spread rumors about you. personally, i would probably give in because of my personality and i don't know how to say no, but if you really feel like she can change, go ahead and give her a second chance. however, if she does this again, do not hesitate to cut her out of your life. maybe she genuinely wants to change and be your friend. maybe. but if she just repeats herself over and over again, then it's time to cut her out of your life. because if she does that more than once, she's definitely toxic.

i do feel like she can change, but idk. the notes seem scripted (shes being forced to see the school counselor after they heard about the lies she was telling.), and theyre both exactly the same. ahhh i hate this


i do feel like she can change, but idk. the notes seem scripted (shes being forced to see the school counselor after they heard about the lies she was telling.), and theyre both exactly the same. ahhh i hate this

Listen hun
you don't deserve to deal with this. At least, not alone.
Let me do a little more research, ask around, and I'll get back to you with a list of some of the better solutions to this.
In the meantime, know that we're here to support you and I'm willing to help you in any way I can.

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

okay so i'm pissed.
So these people at this place I usually go to for lunch decided I wasn't worthy of being able to go there anymore.
I guess they're going off of rumors that I "lie and fish for pity"? What?
I've literally never said a WORD about my problems and I've always tried to help these girls out with whatever they're going through, and I've never lied to any of them.
What the fuck is going on?

Ah, that sucks, man. I hope that you can find a way to stop these rumors.


okay so i'm pissed.
So these people at this place I usually go to for lunch decided I wasn't worthy of being able to go there anymore.
I guess they're going off of rumors that I "lie and fish for pity"? What?
I've literally never said a WORD about my problems and I've always tried to help these girls out with whatever they're going through, and I've never lied to any of them.
What the fuck is going on?

What's going on is you probably picked the wrong people to go out to lunch with. Are they the one spreading rumors or are they believing rumors?

Deleted user

Wow, I just realized that my mom is taking me to the movies to try and get me to forgive her for years of emotional trauama.
Jokes on her, I'm going to get the most expensive snacks.

Deleted user

And, I'm not forgiving her.
My therapist is calling her in, so hopefully she'll leave me alone now


i do feel like she can change, but idk. the notes seem scripted (shes being forced to see the school counselor after they heard about the lies she was telling.), and theyre both exactly the same. ahhh i hate this

Listen hun
you don't deserve to deal with this. At least, not alone.
Let me do a little more research, ask around, and I'll get back to you with a list of some of the better solutions to this.
In the meantime, know that we're here to support you and I'm willing to help you in any way I can.

oh thank you so much. and know, that im here for you too, if you need anything, or someone to talk to ( i read your post)


Does anyone else accidentally leave people on delivered because you see they texted you but you don't want to seem like you have no life at all or too eager so you wait and then forget about it until half an hour later? Just me? I know, I'm a terrible person


Does anyone else accidentally leave people on delivered because you see they texted you but you don't want to seem like you have no life at all or too eager so you wait and then forget about it until half an hour later? Just me? I know, I'm a terrible person

I do that so often it’s not even funny-


Wow, I just realized that my mom is taking me to the movies to try and get me to forgive her for years of emotional trauama.
Jokes on her, I'm going to get the most expensive snacks.

How about you get all the snacks, and then never eat them

@Echo_6 group

Big Random Rant Time.
"To the idiot guy in my photography class whom I know is not on this sight, and I can call an idiot, because you are. IF YOU ARE THREATENING TO GO TO A POLICE OFFICER'S HOUSE AND ASSAULT HIM, I AM GOING TO BE A BIT DEFENSIVE ABOUT IT!!!
Especially when I am not only the daughter of a police officer, but the reason behind this threat is because you were the one going 96 MPH IN THE 40 MPH ZONE. You are an idiot and as a mandatory reporter, due to my current job, I have to tell the school board about this. I don't care that you didn't like getting a ticket you were being an idiot and you deserved it. Not only that but you have threatened to rape my best friend. You are not only saying all these stupid things, but because I don't know you very well I don't know when you're joking and when you aren't. And to top all of this off, you're 18 and a legal adult, which means that my reporting you could lead to your arrest.
You are an idiot and should be introduced violently to a brick wall. Multiple times."
I apologize to everyone else because I have no patience for idiots today. And I have no clue how to react to him saying and I quote, "I'm going to beat the officer to a bloody pulp, I know where he lives now."

Deleted user

Does anyone else accidentally leave people on delivered because you see they texted you but you don't want to seem like you have no life at all or too eager so you wait and then forget about it until half an hour later? Just me? I know, I'm a terrible person

I do that but not to seem like I don't have a life, I just don't feel like talking to people sometimes so I ignore them for hours on end, maybe even until the next day

@HighPockets group

Does anyone else accidentally leave people on delivered because you see they texted you but you don't want to seem like you have no life at all or too eager so you wait and then forget about it until half an hour later? Just me? I know, I'm a terrible person

I do that so often it’s not even funny-

I do it, but because sometimes I just Cannot get into a conversation, I don't have the energy.

@Moxie group

Does anyone else accidentally leave people on delivered because you see they texted you but you don't want to seem like you have no life at all or too eager so you wait and then forget about it until half an hour later? Just me? I know, I'm a terrible person

I do that so often it’s not even funny-

I do it, but because sometimes I just Cannot get into a conversation, I don't have the energy.

Omg wait same

@HighPockets group

Does anyone else accidentally leave people on delivered because you see they texted you but you don't want to seem like you have no life at all or too eager so you wait and then forget about it until half an hour later? Just me? I know, I'm a terrible person

I do that so often it’s not even funny-

I do it, but because sometimes I just Cannot get into a conversation, I don't have the energy.

Omg wait same

I don't even reply to stuff on here sometimes because I just don't have enough energy lol