forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

getting hit by a car isn't as painful as people think.
not immediately anyway.
Well–at least for me.

it took a few hours.

When did this happen?

I was 18. Got hit by a guy that wasn't paying attention as he took a turn. I had the right of way and was on a bike.


so i've been stalking this for some time and im ready to write bc im just feeling so stressed.
i have this friend, who i think has a compulsive liar disorder. she was lying about all types of crap like being raped and kidnapped and losing her virgintiy to a college guy. i confrinted her about it bc she was getting out of control, and she got defensive and spit in my face, called me a hoe and then spread rumors behind my back. that was last friday.
today, i got 2 notes from her, apoligizing and asking for forgiveness. my friends, who she also harrased, says hell no. idk what to do and im really stressing about it. i want to forgive her bc i feel like she can change, but then again, she really said some trash sh*t about me and i dont know how to feel.
frick. i have so much homework
and i just spent 45 minutes writing this
im screwed

@Pickles group

I have an ex-friend like that (ex because I didn't really like her and I don't see her anymore). Although she started lying a lot after we kind of grew apart, so I don't really have any advice other than to not piss her off. I would talk to a parent or other adult you trust about what to do. (But that might piss her off. So idk)

@saor_illust school

honestly, to me it sounds like this friend of yours (who i'll call A for now) is toxic. She lied about things that should never be joked about, or even lied about, for goodness sake. and then, on top of that when you presumably told her to stop, or told her that you knew A was lying, she got extremely defensive and spread rumors about you. personally, i would probably give in because of my personality and i don't know how to say no, but if you really feel like she can change, go ahead and give her a second chance. however, if she does this again, do not hesitate to cut her out of your life. maybe she genuinely wants to change and be your friend. maybe. but if she just repeats herself over and over again, then it's time to cut her out of your life. because if she does that more than once, she's definitely toxic.

@saor_illust school

(call me izzy)
i mean, no, but it's fine. most of us on the venting chat already know mir, although i do agreee with eris. even if you do want mir's instagram, don't spam her dms or anything\

an actual vent: my keyboard is being so annoying! it's a really small thing but it's highkey annoying (example of what it will do to me: "; rreaally ")


I just hurt my ankle and I have a volleyball tournament on Sunday. I already told my coach that I could walk it off when it happened in practice but now it really hurts. Also, I have a 16 min run in gym tomorrow for exams and if I tell my mom it hurts she'll super overreact and I just don't want to deal with it or make it seem like it's a problem because then it'll sound like I'm trying to milk it or overreacting myself. I hate getting injured but it happens to me all of the timeeeee

@saor_illust school

(you can just call her jay aha)
if it helps, mir is the one who made a whole thread about surgeries and concussions, and the like, because apparently she has gone through a lot of surgeries and concussions, ect.