forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Me: says that the bread is hard, moldy, and expired
My dad: yells at me for five minutes, puts his hand over my mouth and pushes me against the counter and won't let me say anything, asks me a question and gets upset when I can't answer
I didn't even raise my voice I wasn't yelling at him and then he yelled at ME for yelling at him and about how there's nothing wrong with the bread and "it doesn't matter the volume I was yelling at him". It was my normal fucking voice
and he blocked notebook so he's gonna get to pay for me using data all the time

I hate it when my dad overreacts too, but that's way worse than what he does. I'm so sorry that happened.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

i can't deal with this much stress…..
I'm gonna probably fail my math class
I'm being stressed about the literacy test for no fucking reason
I can't trust my mother with ANYTHING important and I'm always lying to her face.
I want to disapper.
I may be lowkey suicidal.
my mom is homophobic and one of my irl besties if bi so idk what will happen when mom finds out…
my art project that i was so excited about I now have no enthusiasm for and idk why and this makes me sad…
My friends don't seem to notice when I'm really really upset because I'm not exactly trying to hide it anymore.
I can't talk to the friends that will notice because my mom will find out and Idk what she'll do when i try to tell her she's the biggest part of my problems.
I'm terrified of what my mom will do when she finds notebook.
she didn't notice when I came home.
She never responds to my texts that I'm on the way home but always asks when I don't text.
I cannot talk to my mom because she REFUSES TO FUCKING LISTEN TO ME AND I JUST ANNA TALK TO HR.
And just.. I justcan't..I can't…

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

and then last night when I was actually about to call my country's national crisis hotline becauseI honestly just wanted to disappear and not exist.


Stress likes to build itself up until it falls at you all at once. You need to slowly chip away at the mountain without making it fall before it falls anyways. If it's already fallen, then you need to dig yourself out.
And yes, you can because you're strong and you're worthy. You need to find someone irl you can talk to because here we can only give you a little advice and small encouragements.
If you tell yourself you can't then you won't. If you tell yourself you can then you will. It's as simple as that and it's up to you to make the decision. It will be hard but so much worth it. I promise.


Well, since I don't know you personally or anything, there isn't much I can do, but one thing works for me when I want to blow my goddamn brains out and stop dealing with everything that attacks me during daily life. That's to tell myself to man up. Works like a charm. Sad? Man up. Depressed? Man up. No friends? Deal with it. No privileges? Hateful and misunderstanding parents? Religious persecution and being made fun of by literally everyone? Want to grab a gun and end it all? Man up. Don't do anything stupid and just deal with it. I know it's not good, and trust me I know because this is me, to bottle up your emotions. Find someone, anyone, who will listen and try to give you advice or help you with the problems you face. You can do it! Man up! I don't care if you're a woman but it's not about gender, just toughen up! Make yourself a brooding, impenetrable wall of courage and confidence, and don't let life get on your nerves. You. Can. Do. It. It just takes time.

And try not to be emotionless like me. Don't slip too far into the toughness to where nothing affects you anymore, because then you lose your love and compassion. Maybe not all of it, but those emotions are important to keep close. My parents do nothing to help me, nobody helps me with anything besides my cousin when we hang out. I'm all alone. All I have is online friends but even then my privileges are so restricted I can barely even use my phone. Haven't in like half a month, and I'm not even grounded. Toughen up. You got this :3


Trust me, if they care at all about you they won't mind helping you are just even hearing you out. Also, sometimes it's nice to help out others with their problems when it distracts you from your own.



I feel like I'm doing more harm than good for everyone here and irl recently.
I also just feel not like myself. I don't know if it's just exam stress even though I'm not really stressed for exams because it's jr high and I normally a pretty good student. So really I'm just blaming my stupidity on nonexistent problems.I'm just going to shut up more often now

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Well, since I don't know you personally or anything, there isn't much I can do, but one thing works for me when I want to blow my goddamn brains out and stop dealing with everything that attacks me during daily life. That's to tell myself to man up. Works like a charm. Sad? Man up. Depressed? Man up. No friends? Deal with it. No privileges? Hateful and misunderstanding parents? Religious persecution and being made fun of by literally everyone? Want to grab a gun and end it all? Man up. Don't do anything stupid and just deal with it. I know it's not good, and trust me I know because this is me, to bottle up your emotions. Find someone, anyone, who will listen and try to give you advice or help you with the problems you face. You can do it! Man up! I don't care if you're a woman but it's not about gender, just toughen up! Make yourself a brooding, impenetrable wall of courage and confidence, and don't let life get on your nerves. You. Can. Do. It. It just takes time.

And try not to be emotionless like me. Don't slip too far into the toughness to where nothing affects you anymore, because then you lose your love and compassion. Maybe not all of it, but those emotions are important to keep close. My parents do nothing to help me, nobody helps me with anything besides my cousin when we hang out. I'm all alone. All I have is online friends but even then my privileges are so restricted I can barely even use my phone. Haven't in like half a month, and I'm not even grounded. Toughen up. You got this :3

is it bad that I force myself to act cheerful so often I can't even feel it anymore?
I still love my siblings, and my mom even though I hate her just as much.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Trust me, if they care at all about you they won't mind helping you are just even hearing you out. Also, sometimes it's nice to help out others with their problems when it distracts you from your own.

Yeah but… they have their own problems… they don't need mine….
yes I know im arguingwith and probably should but at thispoint I don't evenknow….

@Echo_6 group

I am more stressed now than I was earlier. Why? Because I just got a 51% on one of my most recent test, in a class that I am really good at. And not only that but FINALS ARE NEXT WEEK AND I'M GOING TO FAIL THEM ALL!!!!!!

Deleted user

getting hit by a car isn't as painful as people think.
not immediately anyway.
Well–at least for me.

it took a few hours.

@Pickles group

If you're good at the class, you should be able to make up for the low grade, or you can ask your teacher if you can make it up somehow, or your teacher might ask you since it's an unusually low grade.
I'm sure you won't fail your finals. Not ALL of them anyway. If you're lacking the motivation to study, I recommend listening to music not gonna lie, I listen to the same indie playlist when I need to concentrate
I don't have any advice for actually studying though. This year I crammed for all of them the day of because we didn't review in any of my classes

@Pickles group

I love how my flute teacher rescheduled my lesson at the last minute for earlier which made me leave late, especially since I had to remind my dad about the check, which he didn't know what to do for. So I went a different way and got there twelve minutes early only to find out she meant to reschedule it for 20 minutes later than she did and then was late
I was 40 minutes early and wow I was bored

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

getting hit by a car isn't as painful as people think.
not immediately anyway.
Well–at least for me.

it took a few hours.

I would be more worried about the hospital bills, as there are five other kids and a single mom in my family. i'm not sure we could've payed the bills if I actually got hurt like that.


getting hit by a car isn't as painful as people think.
not immediately anyway.
Well–at least for me.

it took a few hours.

for me it hurt right away