forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@saor_illust school

Izzy, it seems like you have a bad case of anxiety.
You need to destress girl! Make sure you're taking extra care of yourself, mentally and physically.
Once anxiety starts, it's really hard to stop, but you're really strong and I know you can work this out. If you ever need anything, don't be afraid to PM me. I promise to try my hardest to help you through it even though I'm not on all of the time and even though I'm very bad with words.

That's anxiety??
Okay, I'll try to…
How does one take extra care of oneself? Like I take care of myself, but how do I take the extra part of it?

Like, spa day care of yourself. Do a facemask. Take the extra bit of time in the shower. Shave if you don't normally. Put on lotion and a nice pair of fuzzy socks. Cuddle up in a blanket and watch your favorite shows. In fact, another thing that always makes me feel better is to make someone else feel better, make them laugh.

Ahhhh I think I'm starting to understand now
like i can try to do that, but i'm usually pretty busy so…
i don't really know…

Even the littlest things can help. Hope you feel better! It also be this time of the year is stressful because of (if you're like my school) mid-terms.

Ah. Well thanks for all your help! It's actually been really helpful! ^^

Deleted user

so I've been stalking this for a while and i have some irl venting to do if anyone will listen

im willing to listen (just wont have time to reply bc im getting ready for bed)

I just don't feel too well

What's wrong kid? Spit it out and we'll do our best to help you

how hard is it to pronounce my goshdarn name and why can nobody do it

I mean, some people are dumb or maybe your name has different ways to pronounce it and they get mixed up, it happens


so I've been stalking this for a while and i have some irl venting to do if anyone will listen

im willing to listen (just wont have time to reply bc im getting ready for bed)

I just don't feel too well

What's wrong kid? Spit it out and we'll do our best to help you

how hard is it to pronounce my goshdarn name and why can nobody do it

I mean, some people are dumb or maybe your name has different ways to pronounce it and they get mixed up, it happens

I can totally relate to the hard name problem. My name is Jaylyn, and it gets misspelled all of the time. Also, when I was younger I was very softspoken and when I'd try to tell people my name they'd think it was "Jocelyn" or "Jayden" or something close to that. It's really frustrating, but it's just apart of life. People make mistakes, and I've made mistakes with other people's names before so I can't really blame others when they slip up too.




please don't tell me this is a goodbye thing-

please tell me she's not going to die-



it's Midnight, and I was worried cause she said a lot of, well, very extremely worrying things with vague wording which never fails to terrify me

i would explain better but you really can't explain it without just seeing the message itself but I don't want to share it with a bunch of people she's never met without her permission

@The-Magician group

it's Midnight, and I was worried cause she said a lot of, well, very extremely worrying things with vague wording which never fails to terrify me

i would explain better but you really can't explain it without just seeing the message itself but I don't want to share it with a bunch of people she's never met without her permission

Ah.. I think I know exactly what you're on about.
Of course, I don't know the exact messages she has said to you, but I have received worrying messages from her in the past.

Deleted user

That sounds extremely familiar

Do you remember her user? i remember a Midnight but i think there were multiple…

Deleted user

is she???

do I look good enough??

She’s one of the OG children

she was part of the Notebook family so long ago


tfw it takes you a year to read one fucking book because it's on your tablet and you're actually using it as a front for notebook that your parents don't know about so you're only ever on the book when they come in