forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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so I've been stalking this for a while and i have some irl venting to do if anyone will listen

im willing to listen (just wont have time to reply bc im getting ready for bed)

@HighPockets group

Mir has not been active on her instagram all day
i’m starting to get very worried-
i know, i know, it’s only been one day, she’s probably fine
but this is absolutely terrifying me and i am Big Panic
is she okay?
what if she’s hurt and it’s all my fault-
i don’t know what to do???

before you ask, yes, i need a hug

She's probably just taking a break (like she should be)
I'm sure she's fine.


me after just spitting out a whole damn poem 8 stanzas long:
so this is what its like to be productive


so I've been stalking this for a while and i have some irl venting to do if anyone will listen

im willing to listen (just wont have time to reply bc im getting ready for bed)

I just don't feel too well

@saor_illust school

oh hey! i haven't seen you around before, are you new? (i'm izzy by the way)

but pushing aside my need to introduce myself and welcome you, did anything happen?

Deleted user

so I've been stalking this for a while and i have some irl venting to do if anyone will listen

im willing to listen (just wont have time to reply bc im getting ready for bed)

I just don't feel too well

What's wrong kid? Spit it out and we'll do our best to help you

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Greetings Mini. I might like you. (I am very blunt as you might have noticed.) Call me Dom. That's what everyone else does. Do you have a writing project you work on? (I'm gonna be off til tomorrow btw so don't be surprised if I don't reply to you.)


why is it that people are so mean like yeah i know i've got flaws but so do you and at least i admit to my flaws unlike you so you're really not in a position to bitch about me in the first place

@saor_illust school

i had a kid like that that i, unfortunately had the honours of knowing way back in fourth grade

anyways i have another vent because um, well you'll see
i wrote this last night because my dad cut out the internet connection so… yeah
here you go: raw, unedited text

A vent~

So I had kind of a nightmare just now. But it wasn't really a nightmare, cause I was still awake and I just- I'm really scared now. I- I don't want to lose any of you, I don't want to wake up one day and one of you is dead… And now as I write this out, an extreme dread fills my stomach and I grow cold… it's really scary… I had a wakemare (this is what I'm calling it) and in it I woke up one day and I just- I lost one of you guys… and no not lost, like how we lost Miriam… but like someone died… and then I had to go to an ex-friend (it's complicated, but he said that he'd be there if I needed him) to vent about it and I don't know why but then I started off with actual swearing which I legit almost never do. And if I do, it's usually replacement words/different spellings to make me feel better about using them, for example "feck" and "shiet".

Okay, literally like three seconds after I wrote this, I'm still really cold but like I don't understand why I was so scared… and now I'm a little bit scared about how fast I went from being scared- okay nevermind I went back to being scared about losing one of you guys…
I probably have nothing to be scared about (in terms of how fast my mood changed) since Dom said something about having a chemical high can do this or something, but still…
And AGHHH I literally cannot vent about this to you guys until an hour later, or tomorrow morning or even after school… I hate it when my dad turns off the wifi. I'm not even going to go into why my dad does that, since that would require a lot of extra explaining, and I don't really feel comfortable explaining all of that, so don't even ask.
Sigh. This music that I put on was supposed to make feel better… and yet it is literally doing nothing… why does this happen? Normally I really enjoy this music, but for some reason now I don't… What happened? What happened to me? However, I suspect there is a logical and very reasonable explanation, and I'm just panicking for no good reason at all…
At least this scared is a whole lot better than last night… I didn't even start to think about logical reason yesterday… and I was literally scared the whole night until I fell asleep…

So, um, yes I am venting to a computer which will never respond back BECAUSE IT ISN'T A FREAKING AI until I can get access to wifi. And no, I don't have a phone because my dad won't let me have one which means that I don't get service to just bypass the internet restriction aka no internet. But bad news, that means that it doesn't make me feel any better when doing this venting. But I needed to vent about this, so I feel 0.000000000000000000001% better. That's good… right? Right? Sigh, the only way I'll feel even 1% better is if I know that someone, someone out there will see this and respond to it. Like, if I was posting this on Notebook or Discord… no. Not Discord. There are legit so many users online on Discord every minute, and while I posted yesterday's vent on Discord as well… no one even responded to it. While I get replies on Notebook, none on Discord, so you could say I didn't exactly get a positive experience venting on Discord… Yeah… Okay well, um, I really need to sleep right now, WAIT.
No. I need to stay up like 43 more minutes. I won't be able to sleep well until I know that this is being vented.
Okay, straight facts with y'all. Technically, three seconds I would've been able to just fall asleep without ever posting this, but then the second I wrote that sentence ("I need to stay up…"), dread pooled in my stomach again. Okay, not dread. I don't know how to describe it, but dread is the closest thing I can think of to describe the feeling. Ugh I'm legit so tired right now but I just can't… if I suddenly disappear, by some miraculous reason I managed to fall asleep.


@s-t-r-e-s-s-e-d oh, hun..
scoops up in huge huggles
it'll be okay, and that feeling is anxiety.
We all have it, some just worse than others.

@Pickles group

I don't want to write a bill
I just don't wanna
It's boring and due tomorrow
And I'm not even half done
~A bad poem/vent-ish by Pickles


Izzy, it seems like you have a bad case of anxiety.
You need to destress girl! Make sure you're taking extra care of yourself, mentally and physically.
Once anxiety starts, it's really hard to stop, but you're really strong and I know you can work this out. If you ever need anything, don't be afraid to PM me. I promise to try my hardest to help you through it even though I'm not on all of the time and even though I'm very bad with words.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I don't want to write a bill
I just don't wanna
It's boring and due tomorrow
And I'm not even half done
~A bad poem/vent-ish by Pickles

It's the same for me.
Isn't that a coincidence
It's kind of odd
That we would be working on the same assignment right now
~A poem in the style of Dweorv one verse poetry.

@Pickles group

I don't want to write a bill
I just don't wanna
It's boring and due tomorrow
And I'm not even half done
~A bad poem/vent-ish by Pickles

It's the same for me.
Isn't that a coincidence
It's kind of odd
That we would be working on the same assignment right now
~A poem in the style of Dweorv one verse poetry.

What are you doing for yours?


Someone give me the fucking motivation to not give up on myself and everything and stop handing in my homework and actually leave my house and just be okay for a moment

Deleted user

Am I a sociopath?
I've been called one today and I don't understand why, I just wanted to share facts I found.


Someone give me the fucking motivation to not give up on myself and everything and stop handing in my homework and actually leave my house and just be okay for a moment

Because that's not the way to live your life. Life is so much more than we make of it, and yours is bigger than whatever you're facing now. Take a deep breath, destress, pick up every little piece of courage and strength you have, and don't give up.
I've found that my first impressions of people are usually pretty spot on, and you have a good impression on me. I believe you can do this.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I don't want to write a bill
I just don't wanna
It's boring and due tomorrow
And I'm not even half done
~A bad poem/vent-ish by Pickles

It's the same for me.
Isn't that a coincidence
It's kind of odd
That we would be working on the same assignment right now
~A poem in the style of Dweorv one verse poetry.

What are you doing for yours?

Gonna write stuff and argue to try and make it a law.


Someone give me the fucking motivation to not give up on myself and everything and stop handing in my homework and actually leave my house and just be okay for a moment

Because that's not the way to live your life. Life is so much more than we make of it, and yours is bigger than whatever you're facing now. Take a deep breath, destress, pick up every little piece of courage and strength you have, and don't give up.
I've found that my first impressions of people are usually pretty spot on, and you have a good impression on me. I believe you can do this.

…okay. fine. I can try, but I can't promise anything more than that