forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@HighPockets group

Mostly suffering, but ya know
It's the week before finals and I've got 3 tests, one unmovable F I'd rather not get into, a crap ton of missing work, and I need to learn CPR by Friday.
Don't be like me, my dudes. Go to school and don't let your brain win.

Oh yikes. I missed a test worth 130 points. No way in hell I can tell my parents. It was the highest scoring alignment.

Yeah, I had to drop a class and take the F, but I'm retaking it my senior year when I'll (hopefully) be more stable. I've got a ton of study halls so the missing work shouldn't be an issue.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Mostly suffering, but ya know
It's the week before finals and I've got 3 tests, one unmovable F I'd rather not get into, a crap ton of missing work, and I need to learn CPR by Friday.
Don't be like me, my dudes. Go to school and don't let your brain win.

Oh yikes. I missed a test worth 130 points. No way in hell I can tell my parents. It was the highest scoring alignment.

Yeah, I had to drop a class and take the F, but I'm retaking it my senior year when I'll (hopefully) be more stable. I've got a ton of study halls so the missing work shouldn't be an issue.

I'm really sure I can still get a decent grade. But I also have to. I have to pass every class with good grades so I can get my AA without having to spend big money on classes.


Check this out.

Not the most realistic one I’ve seen but probably the most useful in terms of writing

Wait there are better ones? That are easy to use? If so please do tell. @NutEllaDraws-is-a-silly-muffin

Well I’ve seen other programs that allow you to visualize a character’s body type by adjusting sliders to get the right amount of muscle and height and everything but you usually have to download them plus they don’t let you easily type in height/weight/etc and see the basic idea, you have to have a basic idea already in mind, and it doesn’t tell you the height or weight of the model after adjusting, so in terms of character creation they’re probably not as helpful.
Work great for drawing references though.

Deleted user

Tell Adonis I say hi

He says: "They remember me???!!!"

Wait you were talking about Jay? I legitimately thought this was about your cat.

Well I mean it works for either of them, so I understand the confusion.
But I was, in that moment, talking about Jay.


(so really quick I'm one of the people who is active on this thread, I'm not bothering to log in on my main account tho)
hhhhhhh my computer just shut down randomly and that's really annoying


(so really quick I'm one of the people who is active on this thread, I'm not bothering to log in on my main account tho)
hhhhhhh my computer just shut down randomly and that's really annoying

That’s happened to me a couple times lately, so annoying…

@saor_illust school

also, on a side note, i hate losing friends…
i've already lost two this year, and i suspect my best friend is actually a toxic friend…
i just- i want some real friends but i just can't seem to do that
what did i do to deserve this, Life????

@saor_illust school

Hi, I'm back…

After reading all of these super inspirational messages that I honestly really needed, I swear, I'm crying right now, but don't worry, they're happy tears. Every now and then, I forget that I mean so much to certain people and I just- it overwhelms me with this happiness that lasts only so long, and extends only so far, but it's worth it to remember that I still have something to live for. That I have someone to live for. However, reading all of these messages, and having this happiness comes at a cost - at some point, the happiness will pass and I get sad. And that's just happened, and suddenly I can't remember why I was so happy. There are tears in the corners of my eyes, and I don't remember why they're there. Well, I do, but it's like a dull memory at the back of my brain. I remember the reasons, but they don't spark the same emotions they did when I first remembered those reasons. And then my body grows cold, and then I start crying again, inside. The tears don't flow from my eyes, but inside my body, they are. (Not literally) And this time these tears aren't happy ones anymore, they're ones of sadness, and then I can't remember why I'm sad anymore.

This- this scares me. I've never written down this experience before, and seeing it all written down, and comprehending the full extent of this experience, that happens over, and over, and over again- it just- it scares me so much. It makes me question myself, what is wrong with me? Why does this happen to me? What went wrong that I have to go through this every single fecking time? What did I do to deserve a short, five second burst of happiness, only to be thrust back into depression once more? Because before the burst of happiness, I'm already sad, upset, maybe. Either way, I had a bad day, and then the inspirational messages. Reading them, taking them all in makes me feel better, but then the cycle sets in, and there's nothing I can do to stop it.

But back to being scared. Ugh, just when I was starting to feel better, I started remembering the cycle again- that's what I'm going to call it, the Cycle, and then I got scared again. I got cold again. And I'm still cold, and still scared. What's wrong with me? That's the question I'm asking myself over and over right now and I just- I need someone to talk to but it's already so late and I- I can't anymore. Please… what's wrong with me? And why am I venting about this to these people who I call my friends, (and no offense, but I technically barely know you guys, but I love you all so much) on some writing forum? (Or to complete random strangers on Discord, because I still don't know whether I'm sending this vent to Notebook, Discord or… maybe I might just keep this all to myself…)

No. I can't be alone. I know I'm not alone in this… and all I have to do is reach out and ask for help. But I just- NO. I need to tell myself to stop being a coward and send this. I want some help, so I need to take action. -deep breath- Okay, I can do this… right? Maybe? sigh, I was just starting to not feel scared again, and then I went and scanned this whole vent and got scared. Again, I know. As a parting message, what's wrong with me? Be honest, please…

*The inspirational messages I mentioned are on a Google Doc


Izzy, there's nothing wrong with you. We all love you very much too, and I would go into a full essay on what's going on and how I want you to feel better and such, but I have school ugh and I need to go get ready. Maybe once I get back on this afternoon I'll have time before volleyball to mix something up for ya. Until then, love ya, and I hope you're feeling better now.


Tiny vent, feel free to ignore: It's raining extremely hard outside rn and I have to walk through it. Without an umbrella. I love rain and all, but I don't love soaking wet shirts on my body.

When I used to bike to school this happened all the time. Not fun, I feel you.

Deleted user

Haha, couldn't sleep. I was too afraid of the dudes coming to my house. just love that Paranoia


Every single time I go to sleep my mind won't let me and I just toss and turn for hours, so last night I only got like three and a half hours and school is dreadful now. I'm not asking for pity and I'll tough it out but does anyone know how to ensure better sleep? It's been a struggle for about a month now…


Don’t you love it when your mom goes on a coffee date for the fun of it while both your older siblings and your dad are out of town for work so you have to get up early after not sleeping at all just to burn your hand on a plate of butter that your little sister microwaved for over a minute even after you told her not to all because she refused to use the softened butter already sitting out
then, after not even being awake for three whole minutes, having to scream at your siblings cause they won’t. stop. fighting and refuse to listen to you cause you’re “not my mom” even though mom specifically told them I was in charge until she gets back

i hate children so much…