forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Miriam, there's got to be someone on here you can still talk to. Please, PM them. I know for a fact no one on here would ming.

there's not

Not me, not Ella, not even Shuri? (Well I actually think he's on a break)
I'd fine the closest you've got and go to them then.

@HighPockets group

We offered you advice, help, and the chance to be listened to and you did nothing but berate and belittle everyone who spoke up. You cannot pin this on us and paint us as the villains.

Deleted user

We offered you advice, help, and the chance to be listened to and you did nothing but berate and belittle everyone who spoke up. You cannot pin this on us and paint us as the villains.


@saor_illust school


I'm sorry to see you go, I really am.

You've been a great friend, and I'm honestly sorry that you have to go through this feeling like you're alone. And while I understand that you're in a terrible mood right now and you probably are hating everyone and everything right now… okay let me back up. I'm not going to say that it's going to pass, because it might not ever truly pass. It might stay in the back of your mind for the rest of your life, so I'm not going to say that it will pass. And I realize that it probably feels like everything is falling apart and you can't do anything about it. I've been in a similar situation.

And while I'm not going to tell you to stay, I want to tell you one thing: You've been an invaluable friend in the short time I've known you, and while you might be leaving Notebook, you'll never truly leave my memories. I'll always remember you, and not as a bad friend, or anything negative, but rather as a great friend who I was lucky to meet. As Nie said, I wish you the best on your journeys outside of Notebook.

As my parting message, may Life treat you well (or at least better than it is now).


Deleted user

But for the second time, my account will be gone by morning. don't worry about it.


with all due respect, Miriam, telling everyone who tries to help or anyone with a different opinion to fuck off isn't a good way to receive a positive response

Deleted user

But for the second time, my account will be gone by morning. don't worry about it.

Deleted user

let’s not worry about it, then.

Fuck anyone who tried to help and influence anyone for the better.

We’re all gonna die in the end.

But losing life so early over something perhaps so little in the life come be will be worthless.

@saor_illust school

But for the second time, my account will be gone by morning. don't worry about it.

I don't like losing friends.
But if you must go, so be it.
I'll miss you, and I hope you'll remember your friends here on Notebook, and perhaps come back one day.
Although, I don't think you'll ever come back, but maybe you will.
Goodbye Miriam…

@saor_illust school

let’s not worry about it, then.

Fuck anyone who tried to help and influence anyone for the better.

We’re all gonna die in the end.

But losing life so early over something perhaps so little in the life come be will be worthless.

honestly emi?
this has to be the most uplifting thing i've seen all day probably
i think.
but at least it makes me feel better, so thanks for that

@The-Magician group

Guys.. just leave it now.
The decision has been made, the discussion is over.
Move on. Please.
If people want to say anything more just take it to DMs, because a few of us are tired of this now. We’ve said our piece and now we just want to move on and let this chat go back to being a venting chat.
So please, that’s enough.

Deleted user

let’s not worry about it, then.

Fuck anyone who tried to help and influence anyone for the better.

We’re all gonna die in the end.

But losing life so early over something perhaps so little in the life come be will be worthless.

honestly emi?
this has to be the most uplifting thing i've seen all day probably
i think.
but at least it makes me feel better, so thanks for that

You’re welcome.


But for the second time, my account will be gone by morning. don't worry about it.

I'm sorry I don't know too many of you guys but it feels bad to lose a possible friend regardless. I wish you luck, and am still here for you (and everyone else on this site don't be afraid to PM if you want someone else to talk to)

It's dangerous to go alone, take this —> <3


Well, I ended this a lot worse than before.

don't @ me but it's lowkey kind of comedic to me in a way. There were plenty of ways this whole thing could've been avoided